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单词 underline
释义  un·der·line /ˌʌndəˈlaɪn $ -ər-/ ●●○ verb [transitive]  1. LINEto draw a line under a word to show that it is important 在…之下画线〔以示重要〕2  EMPHASIZEto show that something is important 强调;使突出 SYN highlight This tragic incident underlines the need for immediate action. 这一悲剧事件突显了立即采取行动的必要性。► see thesaurus at emphasize→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusunderline• Depending on your computer, underlined characters may appear on the screen underlined, in color, or in reverse video.• All the mistakes had been underlined in red ink.• But Whitehall sources dismissed the call and underlined Sir Patrick's own categorical statement.• The fact that he scored 20 of his team's 48 league goals last season underlines that fact.• While there is undoubtedly a demand for more golf courses, it needs to be underlined that many applications are purely speculative.• First, I want to underline the arbitrary nature of any attempt to dichotomize self-strategies into two genders.• As in Boston, this underlined the extent to which students' prior academic preparation needed to be strengthened.• The recent shootings underline the need for more security.• These questions underline the real issues to be faced by all the interested parties involved in privatisation.• Don't forget to underline the title of the essay.un·der·line verbChineseSyllable  draw Corpus a word that under show a to line to




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