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单词 racist
释义 Word family  noun race racism racist adjective racial multiracial racist adverb racially  rac·ist /ˈreɪsɪst/ ●○○ noun [countable]  SARsomeone who believes that people of their own race are better than others, and who treats people from other races unfairly and sometimes violently – used to show disapproval 种族主义者〔含贬义〕 He denied being a racist. 他否认自己是种族主义者。 —racist adjective the victim of a racist attack 种族主义袭击的受害者 racist violence 种族主义暴力 racist remarks 种族主义言论Examples from the Corpusracist• Racist attitudes are not simply articulated in the vicious attacks of racist thugs.• She denies being a racist, claiming to be merely patriotic.• He is accused of being a racist after refusing to be interviewed by a black journalist.• The inquest had heard that police failed him when he begged for protection from a racist gang.• The minister denied that he was a racist, but called for tougher controls on immigration.• It involved a group of white-owned businesses in Mississippi being boycotted by civil rights groups accusing them of racist practices.• There has been a rise in attacks on asylum seekers made by skinheads and other racists.• How such racist pornographic material escaped the rye of black activists presents a problem.• When the state looks upon such people as second-class, it is no wonder that racists take the same view.• The contents of the racist pathology and the material circumstances to which it can be made to correspond are thus left untouched.• Appendix C shows the anti-racism statement together with an extract from one such guidance paper on dealing with racist clients.rac·ist nounChineseSyllable  someone who believes of people Corpus that their




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