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单词 Of use
1, To be of use in the world is the only way to be happy. 
2, The railway station is out of use.
3, A fat lot of use that is!
4, These pesticides are gradually being phased out of use.
5, The whole machine is designed for ease of use.
6, The custom has gone out of use.
7, The steps were hollowed by centuries of use.
8, The expression went out of use some time ago.
9, Memory can atrophy through lack of use.
10, The stairs have been hollowed by centuries of use.
11, Could this old coat be of use to you?
12, Fat lot of use you are in the kitchen.
13, It emphasizes the software's convenience and ease of use.
14, It's not a bit of use complaining.
15, The present phone boxes will go out of use next year.
16, When his employees were no longer of use to him, he pensioned them off.
17, The contents of this booklet should be of use to all students.
18, Some things are of use; others are only for show.
19, Some 4(),000 railway stations have gone out of use since the 1960s.
20, I don't want it, but it may be of use to someone.
21, This model has been designed for greater ease of use.
22, Perhaps his advice will be of use to you when you're older.
23, These maps might be of use to you on your trip.
24, Medical care is still free at the point of use .
25, This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use.
26, He was charged with having information likely to be of use to terrorists.
27, This kind of textile machines has long since been out of use.
28, The beauty of e-mail is its speed and ease of use.
29, Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.
30, The flagstones beneath their feet were worn smooth by centuries of use.
1, The railway station is out of use.
2, This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use.
31, For ease of use, this program will take some beating.
32, The site has been out of use for many years.
33, First there is the almost legendary ease of use.
34, Layout clear for ease of use.
35, Choose the push-fit kind for ease of use. 4.
36, They all wanted to be of use, to serve!
37, I wanted to be of use to some one.
38, They were private individuals or partnerships, paid by the state to provide a universal service free at the point of use.
39, These transgenic mice are also of use in more classical immunological studies.
40, There are, however, many of use who can't be so flexible.
41, It helped validate that parental leave was for both men and women and helped change the ratio of use.
42, Inequalities of use in the crucial aspects of schooling have changed very little over the years.
43, Let me see if I can fashion a parable that will be of use to a politician.
44, Convenient: Distribution should not be confined to making materials available in the general area of use.
45, The most striking feature of the post-war period has been the increase of use of educational establishments by all socio-economic groups.
46, Usually of use after the most marked initial swelling and tenderness has begun to decline.
47, The old pre-war autobahn to Stuttgart only had a double carriageway and after fifty years of use was often under repair.
48, The program has a pull down menu interface for ease of use.
49, Another type of use is for Sales and Marketing, which is expected to grow considerably in the future.
50, Sentences can therefore express different propositions on different occasions of use.
51, Every instrument that could possibly be of use to the mission found its way on board.
52, Second, within the revised section he should know the degree of use received by different subject elements.
53, For whatever reason, the government chose to accept the case for retaining an Exchequer-financed service free at the point of use.
54, When selecting any kind of baby product, the essential requirements to consider are comfort, safety and ease of use.
54, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
55, Clearly in such circumstances there appears to be a material change of use.
56, Daunting and preposterous as the task appeared, I was glad to be busy again, of use.
57, One of the main reasons why new halfpennies went out of use was that too many were lost.
58, Automatic adjustment for wear takes place at the pedal end of the cable to maintain smoothness of use.
59, If we can understand the identity of the criteria of sameness of use, then we can understand the sameness of meaning.
60, Despite the considerable losses of useful energy in the conversion process, electricity is indispensable for its flexibility of use.
61, Surely manufacturers who offer these products and recommend them of use as a priming support for oils have done their research properly?
62, Elsewhere, churches seem to have lost their status and gone out of use.
63, Buildings were hastily demolished, and ironwork likely to be of use to the natives was buried in a deep pit.
64, This scaffold gave many years of service but was phased out of use following the last death sentences in 1964.
65, The method seems quite popular, and usually seems to reflect the pattern of use whilst seriously underestimating the amount.
66, The degree of control required, or the ease of use, will directly affect the suitability of the product.
67, Evidently, this particular specific dictionary is only of use in recognising text from its own domain.
68, Questions should therefore be framed to look for attitudes of mind rather than simple quantity and frequency of use.
69, Constructed of stone and with a tiled roof, it went out of use shortly after the First World War.
70, The true pace of recovery in alcoholism is reckoned to be one month for every year of use.
71, The dirt trail has been compacted from years of use.
72, You will get 10 years of use, but possibly at a greatly diminished capacity.
73, It was possible that even a reject like him could be of use in such a godforsaken spot.
74, To improve the efficiency of the analysis each rule in the grammar is ordered based on its frequency of use.
75, This was rejected on grounds of ease of use and familiarity with the 100 percent marking scale.
76, Insulin coma received widespread backing from the psychiatric profession, but after decades of use was exposed as worthless.
77, But dietary fibre provides nothing of use in this way.
78, Brennan points out that Westminster Cathedral contains far more bodies than Newgrange, from a much shorter period of use.
79, Well, for starters, how about stunning sounds, simplicity of use and silly price?
80, Proposals likely to lead to the development of ideas or resources of use to others will be given priority.
81, However, with experience of rather higher levels of use an asphalt surface has now been added to reduce annual maintenance costs.
82, Insistence on this in the early stages of use helps to make it become simply a good habit.
83, May be of use if a small chip has come off a bone.
84, Charles Robins believes UnixWare will facilitate the growth of Unix in commercial accounts because of its ease of use and integration with NetWare.
84, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
85, The first twenty words used in production and their contexts of use will be identified by phonetic transcription.
86, The students will never forget these experiences, and they are learning academic skills in the context of use.
87, He then needs to estimate the desired shelf stock size for each category on the basis of this record of use.
88, Actual monthly charges often run higher, however, because on-line services charge more for extra hours of use.
89, This statement does not have to be taken as gospel to be of use.
90, Britain was the first country to offer health care to the entire population free at the point of use.
91, We lay beneath them in coarse sisal hammocks worn smooth by decades of use.
92, Restaurants, cafes and public houses are outside the ambit of that class of use and planning permission is therefore required.
93, As for myself, I was feeling a mounting confidence in my capabilities - I was of use.
94, He believed that his survey would be of use, but privately thought of it as his escape.
95, Evidently, the information so obtained may provide a further constraint of use in semantic analysis.
96, The old trade-off between ease of use and security must therefore be addressed.
97, Any diagnostic system that is quicker and cheaper than the present system would be of use.
98, The analogy is drawn between research assessment and the restriction of use of medical expert systems to physicians.
99, While most of use were struggling to stay on the roads, the all-wheel-drive cars swanned along with barely a feather ruffled.
100, In 1989-90, the prevalence of use of peptic ulcer drugs was 1.3% in men and 1.2% in women.
101, The Lane must have fallen out of use in this stretch within living memory.
102, The Diocese already occupies the premises as tenant, and no change of use is contemplated.
103, Joe also underwent a rigorous exercise program to rebuild muscles that had atrophied from lack of use.
104, After they left, Belvedere saw various periods of use and disuse but, by the 1970s, stood empty.
105, DataEase scores because it combines good all-round capability with genuine ease of use.
106, But the supply must be carefully organized to fit the pattern of use.
107, I had no contacts that might be of use to a composer.
108, Not all the information present within dictionary definitions is of use for handwriting recognition.
109, However(), problems stemming from its lack of use in the preceding year became apparent later.
110, However, your suggestion will be kept on file and may be of use should circumstances change in the future.
111, The punishment of criminals should be of use; when a man is hanged he is good for nothing. Voltaire 
112, The council had a responsibility to local businesses and should respond positively by allowing the change of use.
113, It may be possible to identify two or more teaching styles based on different frequencies of use of the activity groups.
114, To reduce the frequency of use of this procedure two key areas in primary care could be addressed.
115, Since the attack,[/of use.html] the gas cylinders have remained out of use.
116, But the house was still of use, still gave comfort and shelter.
117, Such schemes as this will offer the possibility for speed with flexibility and relative ease of use.
118, Enemas and suppositories may be of use but habitual use of these can create an unhappy and strained parent-child relationship.
119, This can be done by comparing the relative frequency of use of different coding categories in the potential risks and description conditions.
120, All church buildings are subject to normal planning control over, for example, changes of use and significant alterations.
121, But despite the fact that it seems inhospitable, Dartmoor has a long history of use by humans.
122, Over two years of use, for more than 4,000 tests, it has never strayed beyond the permitted margin of error.
123, To impose new patterns of use at government level may, of course, be politically difficult.
124, The guns are out of use and that is what matters.
125, I felt I had absolutely nothing of use to give or to share.
126, The average annual cost of use of the drugs is estimated at $ 15, 000.
127, Shillings have now gone out of use.
128, You get more of the context of use.
129, The weapons had gone out of use.
130, The word has long since been out of use.
131, Anatomically designed for ease of use.
132, That telephone is now out of use.
133, This quakeproof shed has long been out of use.
134, Ease of use is an overriding design goal.
135, The old method has gone out of use.
136, The bathroom is being repaired and out of use.
137, Tangible plant assets, with the exception of land, are of use to a company FOR only a limited number of years.
138, Dagger: Dagger - shaped symbol used asf footnote reference mark . Usually follows the asterisk in order of use.
139, Based on an assumption of three hours of use per day at 11 cents per kilowatt-hour.
140, The initial charge will be 54 RMB for 12 minutes of use.
141, Afterwards lexicalization of the structure is discussed briefly, metrical structure and frequency of use are considered as possible reseasons for causing lexicalization of the structure.
142, In no event shall Seller be liable for any loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business, or indirect, special or consequential damages of any kind.
143, Temporarily suspended for breaking Terms of Use or game policy.
144, It's particularly useful in stimulating user-centered ideation, evaluation of design ideas from user's point of view and showing the role of a product in context of use.
144, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
145, Key requirements of collaborative method of use are workflow support with check-in/check-out functions, support for relationships, and product hierarchy management.
146, As the language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use.
147, But in the market alarm apparatus majority of use in some big company fiscal institution.
148, What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning, the context of use is considered.
149, By offering fair pricing, ease of use, and consistent quality, you can compete with free.
150, To allocate this commodity, the western states generally use a priority system based on order of use together with some kind of filing system.
151, Usage Kelp has a long history of use as a food and as a source of assimilable iodine.
152, This paper outlines in detail the characteristics and directions of use of SHANGHAI brand type GP3100black-and-white photographic roll film.
153, Lift out of use.
154, User expressly agreed to by the users of the information service of use personal risk.
155, Results:In the volume of use, the most three are Durogesic patch, Morphine hydrochloride controlled-release tablets, and Pethidine hydrochloride injection.
156, Method of use: Apply sparingly with the puffer and massage lightly on the face.
157, These images can be purchased by any type of Client for any type of use, anywhere in the World.
158, The site has been asked to detail a "statement of use" by the US Patent and Trademark Office, explaining how it intends to use the word.
159, This guide provides a systematic method for describing the context of use, so that testing may be done under similar context.
160, Loss of or the Permanent Total loss of use of Toes.
161, Specialists kept their low rank but were allowed a moment at the high table when their skills were of use to the royalty.
162, When boils the system, as well increases the animal fat the amount of use.
163, Another fact is, current, the rate of use out-of-pocket expense of consumer of Chinese retail trade is in 95% the left and right sides, and the United States has 30% to control only.
164, Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Discolours on exposure to light. Hazardous polymerisation will not occur.
165, "Bronzers" thing is "my" favorite, especially "in" the summer, and this type of use of tone, and the provision of two and one " of " them is pink.
166, Because of the stable methyl glucoside cyclical structure in its polyether, its rigid urethane foam is excellent in comprehensive performance with wide prospect of use.
167, Twenty-five percent of DMPA users whose weight increased by five percent within the first six months of use, called "early gainers," were at risk for continued, excessive weight gain.
168, It offers us a convenient shorthand which will be of use in our further investigation.
169, With typical use, about 27 percent of women who use the withdrawal method experience an unintended pregnancy within the first year of use (4 percent with perfect use).
170, Wild yam has a long history of use for its anti-inflammatory and anti- spasmodic properties. It also has a nourishing effect to spleen and stomach.
171, These problems are mainly manifested in some places and land use, land use planning is in violation, not of first use, the margin was out of use and ultra vires land, land without authority approval.
172, Finally, at the end of use, we could biodegrade it naturally along with your vegetable peelings.
173, Bows and arrows have long since gone out of use.
174, The education of lawyers never ends because they must constantly be abreast of information which may be of use to the client.
174, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
175, Range of use: it is used for female with primary, secondary and psychogenic sexlessness and orgasmlessness etc.
176, Article 28 The term of a building lease shall not exceed the term of use for that building's land.
177, White of wall be of use, and doorcase and window frame use as same as metope color.
178, Any change in purpose of use must be approved by the original reviewing and approving agencies.
179, The improved UX should ultimately enable better efficiency of use and shorter learning curves to bring new users up to speed.
180, Bows and arrows have long since been out of use.
181, The piano has been out of use for several years.
182, On this point, RUP offers extensive guidance by showing you the prioritization technique of use cases and architecture stabilization.
183, By extending use cases beyond diagrams with sortable attributes, documents, and traceability, Integrated Use Case Management helps manage large numbers of use cases across your team.
184, As the language grows, new words are accepted and many words fall out of use.
185, The notes also list the three factors that influence user experience: system, user and the context of use.
186, For example, parkinsonism is a frequent complication of use of metoclopramide and most neuroleptic agents.
187, A pre -requisite to usability testing is a pre -specified context of use, set of users and the tasks they would accomplish with the system.
188, These Terms of Use may be amended by FanE [ TransChina ] at any time.
189, Its new definition of intellect and the revolutionary views of intellect development and human learning are worthy of use for reference in the higher education reform in China.
190, WHY: This process helps to communicate and test the essence of a design idea within its probable context of use. It is especially useful for the evaluation of service concepts.
191, Also, if possible, show the scale of a product and it's context of use (e.g. to help shoppers gauge the size of a bag, a photo which shows the bag filled with cans of beer would be useful).
192, The user of use computer has his confidential document, especially to business affairs user character, do not be willing naturally to let others use his computer, lest cause commercial secret leak.
193, Ironically, none of this is yet of use to Dr Goffer.
194, Thus the design of embedded systems must match very closely the context of use. For handhelds, this context concerns how and where the device is physically handled.
195, Some existing code to display a metafile from the clipboard, both of which may be of use.
196, As a language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use.
197, The thesis introduced auctorial design, practical plan, characteristic of IVC cages, requirement of use as well as the rebuilding experience.
198, I certify that the details I have given are true and correct. I agree to abide by the Conditions of Use for Telephone Reservation Service as amended from time to time.
199, Again, the key is ease of use of the administration software, and its ability to mesh with Active Directory's own built-in tools.
200, Journal Inquiry System, Chinese Journal of retrieval, ease of use is very convenient.
201, The product have a soft point 130 ℃ and high valent of use.
202, This mechanism, called a cascading menu (see Figure 22-4), presents some serious issues for ease of use.
203, You can use Table 1 to determine unadjusted weighted values of use cases and actors.
204, Function: the range of use is widely, it is not only increase the flavor snacks, but also can be used to make joss-stick flower with vanilla, bath,[] vanilla tea etc.
205, DIRECTIONS OF USE : Apply to a cotton wool pad and smooth over the face and neck.
206, Even if digital cameras come into wide-spread use, traditional cameras will not go out of use completely.
207, There is always a trade-off between ease of use and security.
208, The AD9446 is a 16-bit, monolithic, sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip track-and-hold circuit. It is optimized for performance, small size, and ease of use.
209, According the standards (PAL / NTSC) and the requirement of use, the digital filter for luminance and chroma signal need change several groups of coefficient.
210, Objective This study evaluates the efficacy, ease of use, and safety profile of one alternative of arch bar maxillomandibular fixation: orthodontic direct bonded bracket fixation.
211, This tool lets you compare up to three media sources, generating a list of the top ten most mentioned terms for that source and relative frequency of use for each term.
212, Depending on the type of use the rotors can be made as: standard stainless steel tri-lobes, stainless steel bi-lobes, action dual wing rotary piston, gears for models B100 and B105.
213, The right of use, the right of management, the right of profit that are the uncomplete rights are only part of rights of ownership.
214, Attach the WFI schematic including all the pint of use.
215, CrashMetrics ticks all the important boxes: a) accuracy, b) correct level of mathematics, c) understandability, d) robustness, e) flexibility, f) ease of use.
216, The Business Interruption Insurance provides compensation for loss of use of machinery breakdown , on gross profit.
217, To protect themselves, to disclose any information of use can improve the accuracy and make objective language more tactful language.
218, First, some local land-grant, the main site is a violation of planning, not a first instalment, the margin was out of use and ultra vires land, land without authority approval.
219, The definition of usability states that usability is a combination of five quality attributes, including learnability and efficiency of use.
220, The old car has been set aside and is out of use.
221, This paper stresses on the proper method of use and maintenance based on introduction of its composing and principle of the electronic-controlled power steering system on TOYOTA vehicle.
222, There has been a trend toward greater use of flexible sigmoidoscopy because of the ease of use and the fact that no general anesthesia is required.
223, This paper used sodium dehydroacetate on some fresh vegetable, inspected the microbiology and discussed the density and the lasting time of use.
224, My suggestion to Microsoft is this: fuse Windows Phone 7′s operating system with Office Live for a marriage of convenience, ease of use, and productivity.
225, With the increase of budget and funds for instruments and equipments in higher universities, the efficiency of use and management for instruments and equipments becomes more and more important.
226, Know a few cussword has some of use, when quarrelling at least, can help abreact, healthful.
227, Experts have seen that declining muscle isn't just an unpreventable fact of aging. In large part it's due to lack of use.
228, These algorithms are used during silence periods of speech to reduce ratio of transmission and improve ratio of use in signal channel. It's a best silence compression scheme for G. 729.
229, Develop, identify, and profile extensible standards and protocols to allow repositories, agents, and services to interoperate in the context of use and reuse of.
230, HOW: illustrate a character-rich story line describing the context of use for a product or service.
231, An inclinometer may be of use if you know the dish elevation offset angle.
232, This illustration also shows the steps recommended by RUP within the context of Use Case Analysis.
233, For ease of use, a default SQL script for creating a function is displayed initially in the function body.
234, Frequent demonstrations, a rich analysis phase,[/of use.html] and involvement from our usability expert all contributed to the ease of use in the final system.
235, But sometimes you can upgrade real estate by building a more remunerative type as permitted , or by going to city hall to get the land rezoned for a higher type of use .
236, In order to use the different quality rainwater separately and decrease cost of use, we separate the RCR system into two parts: roof and ground.
237, Since it is used in different environment and with the discrepancy of product quality, the RTV coating used in different area has the problem of ageing and tenure of use.
238, Combining with the operational principle of air bearing equipment, the paper mainly talks about, from the aspect of use results, the applications of air bearing equipments.
239, The peak years of use for the Conestoga wagons were from 1820 to 1840.
240, The other is marriage contract in concept, as a kind of use in analogy, just for doctrinal analysis while the marriage parties in reality do not conclude contract.
241, These steps will enable effective utilization of use cases to improve the solution's overall test quality.
242, Function of use square root undertakes direct calibration to DP flow meter.
243, For ease of use, a default SQL script for creating a procedure is displayed initially in the procedure body.
244, This is much more powerful than stereotyped dependencies that have no supported semantic meaning or the loose semantics of use case realizations.
245, See for a discussion of this in the context of use of the various notations of UML.
246, The terms of use or the use of this website by the People's Republic of any act of law, the event of a dispute, the two sides through consultation.
247, Our heavy derrick has been out of use for a long time.
248, The system originated as a simple database with a GUI front-end, but over years of use, it evolved into a very complicated, hard-to-use system.
249, Ownership has been described as " the entirety of powers of use and disposal allowed by law ".
250, Mr Jobs had a reputation as a control freak, and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible, in the name of greater ease of use.
251, NET will become flexible, ease of use, customized, extended , powerful AOP middleware container.
252, The problem of use safety of the gas is mainly solved by installing a gas leak alarm device, a mechanical arm controlled by an alarm and an electromagnetic valve.
253, Tax audit by classification ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of use of audit resources.
254, But long-term or a large number of use may make a accumulation of Sulfamethoxydiazine in animal bodys, caused drug residues and potential hazard on human health.
255, Some constructions gradually fall out of use, others push their way in.
256, It is reported, new network will reach terminal user directly, the network of cupreous qualitative cable that needs company of use Australia telecommunication no longer.
257, The results are of use value for simplifying the computation of line integral and surface integral.
258, Designed for ease of use, speed, flexibility and portability, the system includes a diffractometer , a control cabinet and a personal computer.
259, How we judge: We consider ourselves power users who care about things like openness, user control, and customizability; we also care about ease of use, high quality design, and quality hardware.
260, Optimal parameters for various factors in yellows'eriflux and methods of use of esterized seriflux in practical production were also explored.
261, Their frequency of use both justifies and requires the memorization.
262, This new songbook was especially designed for ease of use in smallgroup meetings, fellowship and church.
263, Your text editor may, because of its features, be primarily of use for someone writing Visual Basic code, or perhaps be more suited to HTML developers.
264, Disclosed is a multistable structural member (10), of use in various structural applications.
264, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
265, Overall the polymer has similar properties to LDPE, but has somewhat better strength properties in films, and hence this is its major area of use.
266, When did trams go out of use in that city?
267, Gamma globulin may also be of use in reducing the risk of cytomegalovirus disease and other immune complications of the disease or its treatment.
268, Results The number of substantia nigral apoptosis cells was increased and positively related to the changes of doses and durations of use of levodopa.
269, Port office is main the use fee income that income is establishment of use port office.
270, Textiles are made repellent to withstand the stresses of use and of the environment.
271, The combination of use of "Plumping Shaping Puffing Lotion" can make plump and fluffy styling.




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