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单词 tetchy
释义  tetch·y /ˈtetʃi/ adjective British English informal  BAD ATlikely to get angry or upset easily 急躁的;容易生气的 SYN irritable Jane’s a bit tetchy this morning. 简今天上午有点犯急。 —tetchily adverb —tetchiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpustetchy• And I noticed another thing: Jean-Claude was tetchy.• But he was more withdrawn, tetchy.• There are few in this campaign, and so we are rather tetchy.• Nobody had ever seen the Manager look so pale and tetchy as the morning after.• And all the time Chief Inspector Morse sat, less tetchy now, staring at the street map of Oxford.• Meredith went up to the rehearsal room in a less tetchy state of mind.• He guesses that's why Paul is sometimes tetchy with Keith.tetch·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  get upset angry Corpus likely to or easily




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