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单词 terrible
释义  ter·ri·ble /ˈterəbəl/ ●●● S1 W3 adjective  1  BADextremely severe in a way that causes harm or damage 剧烈的;厉害的;非常严重的 SYN horrible, awful Their son had been injured in a terrible accident. 他们的儿子在一次严重事故中受过伤。 We’re worried that something terrible might have happened to Greg. 我们担心格雷格有可能遇到了什么可怕的事情。 a terrible storm 猛烈的暴风雨► see thesaurus at horrible2  BAD ATvery bad 很糟的,极差的 SYN awful The hotel was absolutely terrible. 这家宾馆糟糕透了。 I’d better write this down; I have a terrible memory. 我最好把它记下来,我的记性很差。► see thesaurus at bad3  FRIGHTENEDmaking you feel afraid or shocked 可怕的,骇人的;令人震惊的 There was a terrible noise and the roof caved in. 随着一阵可怕的响声,房顶坍塌了。 She wept when she heard the terrible news. 她听说这个噩耗后痛哭流涕。4  to a very great degree 极度的,极其严重的 SYN grave You’re making a terrible mistake. 你犯了一个极大的错误。n THESAURUS – Meanings 1 & 2terrible/awful (also dreadful especially British English) very badThe journey was terrible – it took six hours.The food was good but we had terrible service.It’s such an awful programme! How can you watch it?He looked dreadful.horrible very bad and unpleasant – used especially when something has a strong effect on you and you feel shocked, annoyed, or sickThis soup tastes horrible.I got a horrible shock when I saw the bill.a horrible accidenta horrible thing to say to someoneappalling terrible – especially in a way that is shocking. Appalling is stronger and a little more formal than terrible or horribleThe refugees are living in appalling conditions.The teacher said my handwriting was appalling.disgusting terrible – used about a taste, smell, habit etc, often one that makes you feel sickThe smell was disgusting and I had to go out.Do you have to bite your nails? It’s a disgusting habit.lousy informal terrible – used especially to express annoyanceI’ve had a lousy day at the office.This area is a lousy place to live.hopeless very bad and difficult – used when there is no chance of success or improvementWe were trying to pay off our debts but it was a hopeless situation.He was given the almost hopeless task of trying to negotiate a ceasefire.diabolical British English extremely bad – used to express great disapproval of an action or eventThe prices are diabolical.a diabolical waste of moneyMcAndrew gave a diabolical performance on Saturday.n GrammarTerrible is not used with ‘very’. You say: I feel absolutely terrible today. ✗Don’t say: I feel very terrible today.Examples from the Corpusterrible• The movie was terrible.• a terrible accident• He says it's terrible, because the aircraft has such a good safety record.• Students like Andrea are caught in a terrible bind.• I have a terrible headache.• The attitude they have towards you is terrible, like you're lower than the dirt they tread on.• Yet beyond the immediate and terrible losses suffered, the fire had lasting consequences for the lives of Californians.• It is hard to believe that you will be able to make something happen to get you out of this terrible mess.• I was withdrawing from drugs and in a terrible state.• He had some idea of what was ahead of him, for he knew the terrible tales about the Robemaker's Workshops.Origin terrible (1300-1400) Old French Latin terribilis, from terrere “to frighten”ter·ri·ble adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that extremely way causes a harm or Corpus severe in




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