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单词 temperate
释义  tem·pe·rate /ˈtempərət/ adjective  1. temperate climate/zone/region etc SGHEMa type of weather or a part of the world that is never very hot or very cold 温带气候/温带/温带地区等2. formalCALM behaviour that is temperate is calm and sensible 〔行为〕温和的,心平气和的;自我节制的 OPP intemperateExamples from the Corpustemperate• The weather here continues to be temperate!• Here I review these data and their implications for a temperate climate.• The difficulty is greater in relation to overseas markets having temperatures and humidities higher than those of temperate regions.• Many sea-urchins of temperate waters have tiny pronged pincers, often provided with poison glands.Origin temperate (1300-1400) Latin past participle of temperare; → TEMPER2tem·pe·rate adjectiveChineseSyllable  a of Corpus weather part of a type or




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