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单词 telling
释义  tell·ing1 /ˈtelɪŋ/ adjective  1  EFFECT/INFLUENCEhaving a great or important effect 有力的;有效的;有重大影响的 SYN significant a telling argument 有说服力的论点2  SHOW/BE A SIGN OFshowing the true character or nature of someone or something, often without being intended 说明问题的,显露真相的 SYN revealingtelling comment/example/detail etc 透露内情的话语/活生生的例子/说明问题的细节等 —tellingly adverbExamples from the Corpustelling• Barnes, moving wide to the left, at last got over a telling cross but Ferdinand completely missed the ball in front of goal.• The most telling exchanges came between Sir Lewis and his long-time sparring partner, shareholder James Middlemass.• The case will have a telling impact on the automotive industry.• The tomb stands today as a telling memorial to the period.telling comment/example/detail etc• What the hacks should have contemplated was the truly telling detail of Senna at race one in Phoenix.• Is it not a telling comment on our times that to preach peace is to invite violence upon your person?• He had a fine eye for the telling detail that captures a situation or a personality.telling2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable] when you tell a story 讲述,叙述 The story gets better with each telling. 这个故事每一次讲述精彩程度都会增添几分。2  there is no telling used to say that there is no way to know what will happen in a certain situation 没法预料,无法知道 There’s no telling who is going to show up tonight. 今晚谁来不得而知。tell·ing1 adjectivetelling2 nounChineseSyllable  or a having important Corpus great effect




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