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单词 techno
释义  Related topics: Musictech·no /ˈteknəʊ $ -noʊ/ noun [uncountable]  APMa type of popular electronic dance music with a fast strong beat 泰克诺音乐,高科技舞曲〔一种节奏快而强劲的电子舞蹈音乐〕Examples from the Corpustechno• More than that you can't ask of a techno record.• One arch for full-on house and techno and the other for the chill-out.• You get the feeling they'd respond to some headbanging techno.• Now techno has taken over the city.• Inner City are the visible, commercial tip of Detroit's techno iceberg.• We've got that techno album of yours and we play it all the time.• Great gay nights and top techno tunes.Related topics: Computerstechno- /teknə, -noʊ $ -nə, noʊ/ prefix XXconcerning machines and electronic equipment such as computers 技术的 technophobia (=dislike of computers, machines etc) 技术恐惧[症] techno-literacy (=skill in using computers) 会用[通晓]计算机Origin techno (1900-2000) technological techno- Greek techne; → TECHNICALtech·no nountechno- prefixChineseSyllable  a of Corpus popular electronic type dance music




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