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单词 Church
1. The nearer to church, the farther from God. 
2. All are not saints that go to church
3. The fire caused considerable damage to the church.
4. Badgers had undermined the foundations of the church.
5. They were united at the church.
6. They go to church on Sundays.
7. Reverend Jones has moved to a new church.
8. The church has been threatened with demolition for years.
9. The church choir sing every Sunday morning.
10. The interior of the church was dark.
11. The church clock struck midnight.
12. The bishop blessed the new church.
13. The church was austere and simple.
14. I enjoy going to church and worshipping God.
15. The church is close to the school.
16. The procession moved into the church.
17. The church bell tolled the hour.
18. A church is a sacred building.
19. His parents destined him for the church.
20. She sings in the church choir.
21. We live at no. 102 Church Street.
22. I didn't see you in church on Sunday.
23. Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered.
24. The church was completely rebuilt in the last century.
25. The village clusters round the church.
26. The priest sanctified the church with a special ceremony.
27. The church bells are made of bronze.
28. The clock on the church tower said nine o'clock.
29. The church was lit up by floodlights.
30. I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain liberty and peace. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. 
1. The fire caused considerable damage to the church.
2. They were united at the church.
3. Reverend Jones has moved to a new church.
4. The church has been threatened with demolition for years.
5. The church choir sing every Sunday morning.
6. The interior of the church was dark.
7. The church was austere and simple.
8. I enjoy going to church and worshipping God.
9. The procession moved into the church.
10. She sings in the church choir.
11. We live at no. 102 Church Street.
12. Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered.
13. The church was completely rebuilt in the last century.
14. The church bells are made of bronze.
15. The clock on the church tower said nine o'clock.
16. The church was lit up by floodlights.
17. Is there any church in the town?
18. The church has lain empty and unused since 1994.
19. He was a warden at the local parish church.
20. The church was recently restored after decades of disuse.
21. The congregation processed into the church.
22. Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight.
23. The funeral will be held at St. Martin's Church.
24. The church organist may improvise on a ground bass.
25. The church was erected in 1582.
26. Church and empire were fused in a single entity.
27. The church was dark and quiet.
28. He went to church only to mock.
29. Organize a fundraiser for your church.
30. The church has become more liberal in this century.
31. Illegal immigrants found/sought/took sanctuary in a local church.
32. Is there any church in the town?
33. The church has lain empty and unused since 1994.
34. He was a warden at the local parish church.
35. The church was recently restored after decades of disuse.
36. The congregation processed into the church.
37. Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight.
38. The funeral will be held at St. Martin's Church.
39. The church organist may improvise on a ground bass.
40. There was I, waiting at the church.
41. The church was erected in 1582.
42. Mrs Dobson invited us to dinner after church.
43. Church and empire were fused in a single entity.
44. His voice resonated in the empty church.
45. The church was dark and quiet.
46. A notice was nailed up on the church door.
47. He was assiduous in his attendance at church.
48. He went to church only to mock.
49. Beside the entrance to the church,[] turn right.
50. Organize a fundraiser for your church.
51. The church has become more liberal in this century.
52. The priest celebrated High Mass in church.
53. There's a clock on the church tower.
54. It's on this side of the church.
55. The Church wields immense power in Ireland.
56. A small crowd had gathered outside the church.
57. The funeral will be held according to church.
58. The group held weekly clandestine meetings in a church.
59. The new church was officially opened on July 5th.
60. We saw the ruins of the church.
31. There's a clock on the church tower.
32. It's on this side of the church.
33. The Church wields immense power in Ireland.
34. A small crowd had gathered outside the church.
35. The funeral will be held according to church.
36. The group held weekly clandestine meetings in a church.
37. The new church was officially opened on July 5th.
38. Church leaders have aligned themselves with the opposition.
39. The church bells rang out to welcome in the New Year.
40. Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the great war.
41. A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower.
42. The roof of the church was supported by stone pillars.
43. Church and State were not easily separable in this period.
44. They travel to the nearest town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for church.
45. The church bell used to be rung to signify disaster.
46. After the death of her son, Val found solace in the church.
47. The Church and the laity were increasingly active in charity work.
48. A peal of church bells rang out in the distance.
49. I arrived at the church at two-thirty p.m. to find some early comers outside the main door.
50. The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.
51. Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas, patron saint of sailors.
52. About 150 local people looked on in silence as the two coffins were taken into the church.
53. Many people go to church on Sunday, but others don't.
54. The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism.
55. After 1940, a modus vivendi between church and state was achieved.
56. Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception.
57. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.
58. Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church.
59. I wouldn't have felt properly married if it hadn't been a church wedding.
60. Some church leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in Kenya.
61. There was such a cram in the church.
62. Church leaders have aligned themselves with the opposition.
63. The priest dedicated the church to God.
64. His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fled the civil war.
65. The church bells rang out to welcome in the New Year.
66. Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the great war.
67. A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower.
68. The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
69. Archbishop Hunt-hausen also vocalized his beliefs that women and homosexuals should be more active in the church.
70. Turn left at the corner and keep on as far as the church.
71. If you look carefully you can just see the church from here.
72. I love to hear the boys pipe up in church.
73. You must ask permission before taking any photographs inside the church.
74. The roof of the church was supported by stone pillars.
75. Church and State were not easily separable in this period.
76. They travel to the nearest town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for church.
77. The old man crossed himself as he entered the church.
78. The church bell used to be rung to signify disaster.
79. There will be a wedding in the village church on Saturday.
80. After the death of her son[ ], Val found solace in the church.
81. The Church and the laity were increasingly active in charity work.
82. A peal of church bells rang out in the distance.
83. I arrived at the church at two-thirty p.m. to find some early comers outside the main door.
84. The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.
85. Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas, patron saint of sailors.
86. About 150 local people looked on in silence as the two coffins were taken into the church.
87. Many people go to church on Sunday, but others don't.
88. The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism.
89. After 1940, a modus vivendi between church and state was achieved.
90. Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception.
61. It was feared that the issue would split the church.
62. The door of the old church was embellished with decorations.
63. The explosion reduced the church to a mass of rubble.
64. The bell tower was added to the church in 1848.
65. His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church.
66. The fleeing rebels found a sanctuary in the nearby church.
67. The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility.
68. The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince.
69. We could see a church silhouetted against the skyline.
70. The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.
71. They always go to church at Easter.
72. The church choir is [ are ] singing tonight.
73. They bore the coffin into the church.
74. Most people adhere to the church of their parents.
75. He was the pillar of the church.
76. The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the highest position in the Church of England.
77. In medieval times the church held sway over many countries.
78. The symmetrical design of this church makes it very beautiful.
79. The church tower stood against the sky like a finger pointing towards heaven.
80. The pews, the pulpit and the altar are of a piece with the simple elegance of the church itself.
81. The millionaire put up a lot of money for the church.
82. The names of those who died are recorded for posterity on a tablet at the back of the church.
83. She forsook her worldly possessions to devote herself to the church.
84. Louise had the pre - wedding jitters so badly she nearly didn't make it to the church.
91. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.
92. Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church.
93. I wouldn't have felt properly married if it hadn't been a church wedding.
94. Some church leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in Kenya.
95. It was feared that the issue would split the church.
96. Most of the buildings in this town are rather unattractive, but this church is an exception.
97. He seems to have been meant for the Church from an early age.
98. The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived intact.
99. They're doing some repairs on the church to make the roof more watertight.
100. The door of the old church was embellished with decorations.
101. The explosion reduced the church to a mass of rubble.
102. The new church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester.
103. The bell tower was added to the church in 1848.
104. His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church.
105. He expounded traditional Calvinism with its high doctrine of church order .
106. The church stands on a hill(), looking down on the village.
107. It's before the church.
108. The fleeing rebels found a sanctuary in the nearby church.
109. The church stood in a small cluster of farmers' cottages.
110. Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
111. The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility.
112. The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince.
113. How many people attend church every Sunday?
114. The hoodlums defiled the church with their scurrilous writing.
115. This church is the main object of his interest.
116. The church is dedicated to St Paul.
117. Our house abuts on the church.
118. He launched into a tirade against the church.
119. We didn't see you at church this morning.
120. She plays the organ in church.
121. The church no longer paid a living wage .
122. He 'crossed himself as he passed the church.
123. They proposed to divorce church from state.
124. This power vested in the Church.
125. He was excommunicated from the church.
126. The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.
127. We overlook the church from our house.
128. The church choir is singing tonight.
129. The Church has a duty to condemn violence.
130. The marriage took place at St Bartholomew's church.
131. His personal magnetism drew people to the church.
132. These old attitudes still hold sway in the church.
133. They emerged from the church into the bright daylight.
134. Church leaders offered prayers and condemned the bloodshed.
135. Keep straight on until you get to the church.
136. He cut all ties with the Church.
137. Kathryn leaned against the wall of the church.
138. Their marriage was not solemnized in the church.
139. The church should have no political alignment.
140. How often do you go to church?
141. After you go past the church keep bearing left/right.
142. He was received back into the church.
143. A bomb fell on the church and destroyed it.
144. The church clock began to strike twelve.
145. Many church services hold little appeal for modern tastes.
146. The village church dominates the skyline.
147. The church is perched on a hill.
148. The church was carefully restored after the war.
149. The church has fallen into ruin.
150. I pass the church on my way to work.
151. She was a regular worshipper at the parish church.
152. He sings in the church choir.
153. The church roof was half hidden by trees.
154. The banns were published in their local parish church.
155. The church choir is [ are ] singing tonight.
156. A loud whistle disturbed the quietness of the church.
157. Many members of the church sang from memory.
158. The entire fabric of the church needs renovation.
159. The priests dedicated the church building to God.
160. Eileen became a faithful member of the church.
161. The church was in dire need of repair.
162. You can see the house past the church.
163. The church is a short walk from Piazza Dante.
164. The local priest celebrates Mass in the village church.
165. At the church, children re-enacted the Christmas story.
166. Mrs Parsons wasn't at church this Sunday.
167. The Church and the Communist Party were natural enemies.
168. She heard a peal of church bells.
169. Bells tolled the congregation to church.
170. The church tower is in need of repair .
171. Their marriage took place in a local church.
172. We heard the peal of church bells.
173. He was received into the church.
174. The church bells keep me from sleeping.
175. After the church[ ], turn sharp left/right.
176. In the square the church bells chimed.
177. Church leaders said he was welcome to return.
178. The King received the official approbation of the church.
179. Floral tributes were sent to the church.
180. The church is down the block.
181. The church has several beautiful medieval brasses.
182. The marriage ceremony took place in the church.
183. The church became a sanctuary for the refugees.
184. He was the pillar of the church.
185. The priest reproved people for not coming to church.
186. The Church tries to promote racial harmony.
187. He is a conservative member of the church.
188. It had the appearance of an 18th century church.
189. They go to church every Sunday.
190. Wear your good clothes to go to church.
191. Some of them have sought sanctuary in the church.
192. Come to our place for lunch after church.
193. There is a wedding going on at the church.
194. He subscribes to the church every year.
195. I saw neither Mr nor Mrs Smith at church.
196. It is hard to know which direction the Church will take.
197. My brother, Neville, was born on a Sunday, when all the church bells were ringing.
198. The bishop was welcomed to the church with a peal of bells.
199. The west front of the church contains some fine old windows.
200. The clergymen of the Christian Church were often rabbled in the civil war.
201. Outside England, the Anglican Church is often referred to as the Episcopal Church.
202. There it is: just to the right of the church.
203. Mac talked loudly in favour of the good works done by the Church.
204. Can you tell me for what the church will use the money it gets from collections?
205. Mrs. Cummings has been actively involved with the church for years.
206. He did missionary work for the Presbyterian Church in Alaska.
207. Naomi used to go to church in Granville every Sunday.
208. They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the Church.
209. The Church welcomed all who were considered sound in doctrine.
210. The question of divorce and remarriage in church remains highly contentious.
211. They built the church on the edge of the village.
212. The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the highest position in the Church of England.
213. The people in the church are chanting a Christmas carol.
214. Members of the church are not just a bunch of do-gooders.
215. The second passenger asked to be set down at the church.
216. He's deeply religious and goes to church twice a week.
217. The facade of the church is richly decorated in green and white marble.
218. The church doors would open and the crowd would surge out.
219. The church is remotely situated on the north coast of the island.
220. This violence is completely antithetical to the teaching of the church.
221. Devlin was reconciled with the Catholic Church in his last few days.
222. The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.
223. A memorial service was held yesterday at Wadhurst Parish Church. The Rev Michael Inch officiated.
224. These practices are irreconcilable with the law of the Church.
225. The church has doubled its membership in the last five years.
226. My mother doesn't like me wearing short skirts to church - she doesn't think they're suitable.
227. The symmetrical design of this church makes it very beautiful.
228. His twenty-five-foot boat was moored within sight of West Church.
229. The church here was left a bequest to hire doctors who would work amongst the poor.
230. A church service was held in remembrance of the victims.
231. In Britain,[/church.html] the Queen is the head of the established church.
232. There is a church which is easily accessible from my home.
233. We could hear the lusty singing of the church choir.
234. During the occupation, the church was used as a mosque.
235. The debate has succeeded only in widening rifts within the Church.
236. The door on the left, upon entering the church, leads to the Crypt of St Issac.
237. There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.
238. The thieves got away with £15 000 worth of church plate.
239. The Coptic Church is among the oldest churches of Christianity.
240. The bell of the church struck to call the worshippers to prayer.
241. Such lightness of conduct is not to be permitted in church.
242. The men who were as willingly pewed in the parish church as their sheep were in night folds.
243. It's irreverent for a man not to take his hat off in church.
244. You just go to the church and confess your sins.
245. Hundreds of people crowded into the church for the funeral.
246. The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church.
247. The builders are trying to prop up the crumbling walls of the church.
248. The pews, the pulpit and the altar are of a piece with the simple elegance of the church itself.
249. The millionaire put up a lot of money for the church.
250. Lesley's career in the church is vitally important to her.
251. There is an underground passage from the church to the house.
252. The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.
253. Last weekend the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland held a conference, attended by 450 delegates.
254. We stopped to have a quick look at the church.
255. Women have been ordained for many years in the Church of Scotland.
256. The Celtic Church maintained the Greek calendar over against that of Rome.
257. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is popularly known as the Mormon Church.
258. He was in his thirties when he decided to enter the church.
258. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
259. Bible-reading classes are held in the church hall every Thursday evening.
260. We never go to church other than for funerals and weddings.
261. The early Church believed miracles were proof of who Jesus was.
262. When do the children finish school? When you are talking about a particular building, the is used:I'll meet you outside the school. Prison, jail, court, and church work in the same way:Her husband spent three years in prison.
263. In a historic vote, the Church of England decided to allow women to become priests.
264. The first sight that met my eyes on reaching the front door was the church enveloped in flames.
265. The Church was to receive a cut of the profits on every record sold.
266. The Queen is titular head of the Church of England.
267. I go by the church every morning on my way to work.
268. In former times, criminals could take sanctuary inside a church.
269. We weren't married in church, but we had a civil ceremony in a registry office.
270. The damaged church was preserved as a stark reminder of the horrors of war.
271. He has caused a storm by calling into question one of the central dogmas of the Church.
272. The bomb destroyed a police station and badly damaged a church.
273. The church can only go so far in secular matters.
274. The Church of England, with threats of split from within, has still to make up its mind.
275. Distribution of the food is going ahead using a network of local church people and other volunteers.
276. The church bells pealed out at the end of war to celebrate victory.
277. Senator Frank Church was coming up for re-election that year.
278. We had a memorial tablet put up on the church wall.
279. To smoke in a church or mosque would be a profane act.
280. The church stands on a high mound just outside the village.
281. The church is the site of a number of supernatural manifestations.
282. St Peter's Church is a striking example of mission revival architecture.
283. They were married in church out of deference to their parents'wishes.
284. She is a very religious person who goes to church every Sunday.
285. It's one of the oldest remaining parts of the church.
286. The church used to have a more important part to play in the community.
287. The clock was striking ten as we went into the church.
288. Their church tells them it's wrong and, in fact, excommunicated Green years ago.
289. She was received into the Christian church at the age of sixteen.
290. The late afternoon sun brightened the interior of the church.
291. The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime.
292. He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church after that.
293. It would be hypocritical of me to have a church wedding when I don't believe in God.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 18:25:46