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单词 South
(1) The south side of town is pretty run down.
(2) The latitude of the island is 20 degrees south.
(3) They detoured around the traffic jam by heading south.
(4) The Yanomami people live in the South American jungle.
(5) A jet planed in from the south.
(6) The flagpole leans to the south.
(7) That pronunciation is unacceptable in the south of Britain.
(8) The wind shifted to the south.
(9) The wind is tending to the south.
(10) In which direction are you going(/south.html), north or south?
(11) The building is oriented south and north.
(12) There is a strong south wind.
(13) The old couple will winter in the south.
(14) They have a summer residence in the south.
(15) South is opposite north on a compass.
(16) Summer in south China is hot and humid.
(17) Our correspondent in South Africa sent this report.
(18) My uncle is travelling in South America.
(19) A ravine delimited the property on the south.
(20) We're relocating just south of Newcastle.
(21) It neighbours Italy in the south.
(22) I'm lost, which direction is South?
(23) He lives to the south of the city.
(24) Panama lies to the south of the U.S.A.
(25) The Dutch settled in South Africa.
(26) Vietnam is to the south of China.
(27) The area bears a superficial similarity to south London.
(28) He has dual British and South African nationality.
(29) He had just arrived unannounced from South America.
(30) The wind is blowing from the south.
(1) The south side of town is pretty run down.
(2) The Yanomami people live in the South American jungle.
(3) That pronunciation is unacceptable in the south of Britain.
(4) The wind shifted to the south.
(5) The wind is tending to the south.
(6) In which direction are you going, north or south?
(7) There is a strong south wind.
(8) They have a summer residence in the south.
(9) Summer in south China is hot and humid.
(10) Our correspondent in South Africa sent this report.
(11) My uncle is travelling in South America.
(12) He lives to the south of the city.
(13) Vietnam is to the south of China.
(14) The area bears a superficial similarity to south London.
(15) He has dual British and South African nationality.
(16) He had just arrived unannounced from South America.
(17) The wind is blowing from the south.
(18) The Nationalist Party have gained a lot of support in the south of the country.
(19) The town lies ten miles to the south of here.
(20) The Earth revolves about the axis which joins the North and South Poles.
(21) The south of England, where prices have fallen furthest, will remain the weakest market.
(22) The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.
(23) He is about to join the big league of Formula 1 in time for the start of the new season at the South African Grand Prix.
(24) James Roach was electrocuted in South Carolina in 1986 .
(25) From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, Derbyshire has something for everyone.
(26) He was last heard of living somewhere on the south coast.
(27) The needle of the compass shows that we're facing south.
(28) I can't believe she passed up the chance to go to South America.
(29) Latest statistics suggest the North/South divide is becoming even more pronounced.
(30) They reported a sudden outbreak of the disease in the south of the country.
(31) They request that you back off 100 meters to the south.
(32) Let black and white as brothers, South Africa to the prosperity and development.
(33) when you are gone, who with me from south to north.
(34) The Nationalist Party have gained a lot of support in the south of the country.
(35) The town lies ten miles to the south of here.
(36) The Earth revolves about the axis which joins the North and South Poles.
(37) The south of England, where prices have fallen furthest, will remain the weakest market.
(38) The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.
(39) He is about to join the big league of Formula 1 in time for the start of the new season at the South African Grand Prix.
(40) The north and south of the island are linked by a narrow isthmus.
(41) James Roach was electrocuted in South Carolina in 1986 .
(42) From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, Derbyshire has something for everyone.
(43) He was last heard of living somewhere on the south coast.
(44) Germany is bounded on the west by France and on the south by Switzerland.
(45) The needle of the compass shows that we're facing south.
(46) I can't believe she passed up the chance to go to South America.
(47) Latest statistics suggest the North/South divide is becoming even more pronounced.
(48) They reported a sudden outbreak of the disease in the south of the country.
(49) A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
(50) We have passed the last few winters in the south.
(51) Despite being heavily outgunned, the rebel forces seem to have held on to the south side of the city.
(52) A coachload of supporters made the 700-mile round trip to South Devon.
(53) The south of the country was worst affected by the drought.
(54) The island is a staging-post for many visiting yachts on their way south.
(55) He had an unrivalled knowledge of south Arabian society, religion, law and customs.
(56) He was discovered living under an assumed identity in South America.
(57) If there are dreams about a beautiful South Africa, there are also roads that lead to their goal. Two of these roads could be named Goodness and Forgiveness.
(58) The United States is bounded in the south by Mexico and in the north by Canada.
(59) The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.
(60) The World Series is broadcast to Asia, Europ and South America.
(31) A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
(32) We have passed the last few winters in the south.
(33) Despite being heavily outgunned, the rebel forces seem to have held on to the south side of the city.
(34) A coachload of supporters made the 700-mile round trip to South Devon.
(35) The south of the country was worst affected by the drought.
(36) The island is a staging-post for many visiting yachts on their way south.
(37) He had an unrivalled knowledge of south Arabian society, religion, law and customs.
(38) He was discovered living under an assumed identity in South America.
(39) The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.
(40) The earth's poles are called the North Pole and the South Pole.
(41) The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.
(42) Some of the mountains in South America have not yet been mapped out.
(43) Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.
(44) A Boeing 747 was involved in a near miss with a private aircraft just south of San Francisco.
(45) As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.
(46) The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport.
(47) In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.
(48) Which way is south?
(49) Desmond Tutu became the most famous Anglican archbishop in South Africa.
(50) I would love to go abroad this year, perhaps to the South of France.
(51) They began the difficult descent of the mountain's south west face.
(52) Amundsen's expedition was the first to reach the South Pole.
(53) He has returned to South Africa from his long overseas trip.
(54) The scientists will go on an expedition to the South Pole.
(55) Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia.
(56) There appeared to be a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north.
(57) On their journey south they hit a bank of fog off the north-east coast of Scotland.
(58) Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.
(59) Police are investigating a series of bank robberies in South Wales.
(60) The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.
(61) The earth's poles are called the North Pole and the South Pole.
(62) The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.
(63) Some of the mountains in South America have not yet been mapped out.
(64) Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.
(65) A Boeing 747 was involved in a near miss with a private aircraft just south of San Francisco.
(65) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(66) As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.
(67) The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport.
(68) In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.
(69) Desmond Tutu became the most famous Anglican archbishop in South Africa.
(70) I would love to go abroad this year, perhaps to the South of France.
(71) They began the difficult descent of the mountain's south west face.
(72) Amundsen's expedition was the first to reach the South Pole.
(73) He has returned to South Africa from his long overseas trip.
(74) The scientists will go on an expedition to the South Pole.
(75) Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia.
(76) There appeared to be a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north.
(77) On their journey south they hit a bank of fog off the north-east coast of Scotland.
(78) Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.
(79) These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.
(80) They ought to finish ploughing the south field by tomorrow.
(81) Police are investigating a series of bank robberies in South Wales.
(82) The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.
(83) The buses went in opposite directions — one went south and the other went north.
(84) The points of the compass are North, South, East and West.
(85) He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South.
(86) It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula.
(87) Wild geese herd to the south in autumn every year.
(88) Some birds fly south to find good breeding grounds.
(89) The road further south was infested with bandits.
(90) The candidate made surprising inroads in the South.
(61) The buses went in opposite directions — one went south and the other went north.
(62) The points of the compass are North, South, East and West.
(63) He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South.
(64) It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula.
(65) The candidate made surprising inroads in the South.
(65) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(66) Swallows begin their migration south in autumn.
(67) The Indian Ocean is on the south of Asia.
(68) South America is joined to North America by a canal.
(69) North America is connected with South America by the Isthmus of Panama.
(91) Snakes of many kinds/sorts are found in South America.
(92) The ship was sailing due south.
(93) Investors ranked South Korea high among Asian nations.
(94) All the houses there face south.
(95) She taught French at Cheam Comprehensive in South London.
(95) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(96) They've gone to live down south.
(97) The terrace faces towards the sea/faces south.
(98) There are mountains to the north/south/east/west of here.
(99) The wind will south this evening.
(100) She finally achieved her ambition to visit South America.
(101) South Point College does not grade the students' work.
(102) Many birds fly further south in the autumn.
(103) He beachcombed on a South Pacific island.
(104) England were comprehensively beaten by South Africa.
(105) South of Benghazi the coastline bulges out then in.
(106) The North/South divide is characteristic of Britain.
(107) The hills flattened out just south of the mountain.
(108) The river lies 30km to the south.
(109) Canberra is/lies to the south of Sydney.
(110) Invaders from the south ransacked the town.
(111) Warm breezes from the South dried up the streets.
(112) In the south, the reverse applies.
(113) On 21 January the expedition reached the South Pole.
(114) I think your South American youth has prejudiced you.
(115) The fighters moved south to their mountain stronghold.
(116) Dr Kennedy has been adopted as the party's candidate for South Cambridge.
(117) We did an extremely fast U-turn and shot south up the Boulevard St. Michel.
(118) South Africans were praying last night that he has read the situation correctly.
(119) The River Nile extends as far south as Lake Victoria.
(120) The south of France has positive associations for me as I used to holiday there as a child.
(121) The South Pacific was the theatre for much of the action in the Second World War.
(122) The weather will be wet and windy in the south.
(123) Mandela helped lay the foundations for a new democratic South Africa.
(124) The author tells of a remarkable encounter with a group of South Vietnamese soldiers.
(125) After the war,(/south.html) the army made an attempt to assert its authority in the south of the country.
(126) Profits continue to grow, with strong performances in South America and the Far East.
(127) The tremor was centered just south of San Francisco and was felt as far as 200 miles away.
(128) He came to the South to look for a job.
(129) This wine highlights the quality and value for money of South African wines.
(130) The south side of the city had become a lawless wilderness.
(131) South America is joined to North America by a canal.
(132) In South Africa, Jani was a big fish in a small pond.
(133) We had a glorious time in the south of France last summer.
(134) South of the Usk, a completely different approach seems to hold sway.
(135) By 1979 South Africa was tightening its grip on Namibia.
(136) The apiary was nearby; half a dozen hives faced south down the slope.
(137) Knutsford is about 16 miles to the south of Manchester.
(138) The government is reported to be concerned about the growing insurgency in the South.
(139) The next morning, they weighed anchor and began to move south again.
(140) Migrating birds make use of airstreams to assist them on their long journey south.
(141) The prevailing wind here is from the south - west.
(142) The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.
(143) Strong trading links exist between us and many South American countries.
(144) I know nothing about him except that he knocked about South Africa for a while.
(145) The track joins the main road just south of the village.
(146) They used to live in Scotland but they moved down south.
(147) The speaker emphasized that much of South Africa's importance lay in its mineral wealth.
(148) He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa.
(149) The plane took off from the airport and headed south towards Hong Kong.
(150) Black majority rule in South Africa took many years to achieve.
(151) Business is booming for estate agents in the south as the property market hots up.
(152) The south side of the city has virtually become a war zone.
(153) "Sight Savers", founded in 1950, now runs projects throughout Africa, the Caribbean and South East Asia.
(154) South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world.
(155) The North defeated the South in the American Civil War.
(156) The meeting will be held at a venue in the south of the city.
(157) He is on a trek through the South Gobi desert.
(158) In fact, the panic is overdone. As the map shows(), the drought has been confined to the south and east of Britain.
(159) The heaviest snowfalls today are expected in the south east.
(160) There is likely to be civil war if the region tries to secede from the south.
(161) The South African mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened.
(162) They played well in the first test against South Africa.
(163) She kept a travel journal during her trip to South America.
(164) This type of building is peculiar to the south of the country.
(165) As the regime's grip on the mainland tightened over the next few years, hundreds of thousands more people fled south.
(166) He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France.
(167) And now over to Jim Muir, for a report on the South African election.
(168) When Scott reached the South Pole he found Amundsen had anticipated him.
(169) In 1992, Britain played host to the first multi-racial South African team to visit these shores.
(170) Now that the civil war is over, relative normality has returned to the south of the country.
(171) We'll drive east for a few more miles, then turn south.
(172) Although South Africa has many of the attributes of the first world-some good infrastructure, millions of rich people-it is still not part of that world.
(173) In September, these birds migrate 2000 miles south to a warmer climate.




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