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单词 tag
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Games, Grammar, Computerstag1 /tæɡ/ ●●● S3 noun  1  small piece of paper etc 小纸片等 [countable]D a small piece of paper, plastic etc attached to something to show what it is, who owns it, what it costs etc 标签,标牌name/identity/price tag All the staff wore name tags. 所有员工都佩戴姓名牌。 → dog tag2. game 游戏 [uncountable]DG a children’s game in which one player chases and tries to touch the others 〔儿童玩的〕捉人游戏3. electronic object 电子物品 (also electronic tag) [countable] British English a piece of equipment that you attach to an animal or person, especially someone who has just left prison, so that you always know where they are 电子跟踪器4. computer 计算机 [countable] a computer code attached to a word or phrase in a computer document in order to arrange the data in a particular way 标记,标识符5  name 名字 [countable] a word or phrase which is used to describe a person, group, or thing, but which is often unfair or not correct 称呼,诨名 His speed earned him the tag of ‘the runner’. 他的速度使他赢得了“飞人”的称号。6. grammar 语法 [countable]SLG technical a tag question 反意疑问句,附加疑问句7. name painted on wall 涂在墙上的名字 [countable] especially American English informal someone’s name that they paint illegally on a wall, vehicle etc 〔在墙壁、汽车等上面〕违法涂写的名字8  car 汽车 American English a) tags [plural] informal the license plates on a car 〔汽车的〕车牌 b) [countable] a small piece of sticky plastic with a date on it that you put on your car’s license plate to show that the car is legally allowed on the road in that year 〔允许车辆上路的〕车牌标贴n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa price tagDon’t forgot to remove the price tag.a name/an identity tagEvery baby had a name tag on his or her wrist.a security tag (=to prevent something being stolen)Expensive items such as leather jackets have security tags which have to be removed at the till. a gift tag (=a tag attached to a gift that says who it is from)You can buy gift wrap with matching gift tags.a luggage tagWas there a luggage tag on your suitcase?Examples from the Corpustag• I didn't blame her for hating the "mayor's ex-girlfriend" tag.• A sequence of grammatical tags in the corpus is taken and split into pairs and triples.• Harvey took off his identity tag and inserted it into a machine like a railway station weighing machine upon which he stepped.• Do we have to wear these name tags?• This enables you to replace text or tags and cut out a lot of painstaking monkey work when revamping your site.• Little girls played tag and stoop-ball, hopscotch, skipped rope; big girls sat under the pine tree and whispered.• I can't find a price tag on it anywhere.• The Navy also wants 12 new attack submarines with a price tag of $ 17. 6 billion.• The judge also prohibited the Motor Vehicle Administration from recalling the specialty tags.• During one game I accidentally scored against my own side and acquired the tag "wrong way" Jones.• Additional items such as colour, indentation and tabs can also be attached to the tag• Bovis Homes reckons a major plus point are the top quality carpets, which are included in the £139,950 price tag.• You have to find creative ways of providing the illusion of space in a price tag that more people can afford.• This is why it is essential that they should wear a collar with a name tag attached at all times.• Yesterday Woods did not live up to the $ 2.25 million price tag needed to lure him to the Middle East.• In fact, Republicans were sure to oppose it no matter the price tag.• However, as with Wimbledon defender John Scales, he faces a fight because of the price tag slapped on the player.• For people with game tickets, Golden Sports knocks $ 1,000 off the price tag.• The price tag for such an endeavor: $ 20million.Related topics: Daily life, Computerstag2 verb (tagged, tagging) [transitive]  1  Dto attach a tag to something 给…加上标签,给…挂上标牌 Each bird was tagged and released into the wild. 每只鸟都被系上标牌放归了大自然。2  to give someone or something a name or title, or describe them in a particular way 把…称为,给…起诨名be tagged (as) something The country no longer wants to be tagged as a Third World nation. 该国不愿意再被称为第三世界国家。3  to attach a tag in a computer program or document 给 〔计算机程序或文件〕加标记 All the words are tagged with their part of speech. 所有单词都标上了词性。4. informalWRITE to illegally paint your name on a wall, vehicle etc 〔在墙壁、汽车等上面违法〕涂写〔名字〕5. American English to touch someone you are chasing in a game, especially to touch someone with the ball in baseball 〔尤指棒球运动中〕触杀6 tag along phrasal verb to go somewhere with someone, especially when they have not asked you to go with them 〔尤指未经邀请〕跟随,尾随 SYN British English tag onn with Kate tagged along with Mum and Vicky. 凯特跟着妈妈和维基。7 tag on phrasal verb a) tag something ↔ onADD to add something, especially something that was thought of later 附加,添加〔尤指后来想起的事情〕b) British English to tag along 跟随,尾随 →5 see picture at 见图 baseball→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustag• Although it's specifically marketed for use with antiques, there's no end to the kind of property it can tag.• One of them was with Red Carlson, the heavyweight who tagged after Tony through his good years.• Your training wheels were still on, I remember that, and you sort of tagged along behind them.• Three other wanderers, not quite so dazed, allowed Billy to tag along.• His teammates have tagged him with a second nickname.• I tagged his car, which, in turn, tagged the guardrail and flipped over.• This grammatical tag must be compatible with those that the corpus was tagged with.• Reyes tagged Thompson out at home tagged (as) something• As passed by the House and agreed to by the Senate, the bill allowed only plastic explosives to be tagged.• These three writers are tagged as representatives of two hardly very different types or crisis-fancying, Third Worldly literary tourist.• For instance, the first subsection of Chapter 2 is tagged as Section 2.1.• Tino Martinez was tagged out by it.• They were tagged with colour-coded labels bearing experiment numbers and feeding instructions.• Each word is tagged with its grammatical category.• This grammatical tag must be compatible with those that the corpus was tagged with.From Longman Business Dictionarytagtag /tæg/ noun [countable] COMPUTING a series of letters or words that are put before and after a piece of electronic text to show that it is to be treated in a particular waya list of HTML tags —tag verb [transitive]Each word is tagged with its grammatical category. → see also price tagtag1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1tag2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  of a plastic attached something piece Business small to etc Corpus paper,




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