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单词 sunken
释义  sunk·en /ˈsʌŋkən/ adjective  1  [only before noun]UNDER/BELOW having fallen to the bottom of the sea, a lake, or a river 沉没的,沉在海[湖,河]底的 the wrecks of sunken ships 沉船的残骸 sunken treasure 沉在水底的财宝2  sunken cheeks/eyes etc IN/INSIDEcheeks or eyes that have fallen inwards, especially because of age or illness 〔尤指因年老或患病所致〕凹陷的双颊/双眼等 SYN hollow Her eyes looked dull and sunken. 她目光呆滞,眼窝深陷。3  [only before noun]UNDER/BELOW built or placed at a lower level than the surrounding floor or ground 低于周围地面的,沉降式的,下沉式的 Steps led down to a sunken garden. 台阶通向一个下沉式花园。 a sunken bath 嵌入地面的浴缸Examples from the Corpussunken• His eyes were dark and sunken.• The three arc-lamps had come to rest athwart the sunken bomber, sharply illuminating the fuselage and the two wings.• The church had to be located out of sight in a sunken cul-de-sac west of the village street.• Black sunken eyes like dried figs.• The inspector looked at his sunken head with compassion.• In one corner there is a sunken jacuzzi with a young person in it, moving sinuously in the bubbling waters.• a sunken living room• Lastly it is worth noting any usual features like sunken logs, projecting tree roots and big boulders.• After Charlotte's death in 1943, the villagers all noticed how extraordinarily frail and sunken Shaw looked.• sunken shipsOrigin sunken (1300-1400) From an old past participle of sinksunk·en adjectiveChineseSyllable  sea, the fallen the of bottom lake, Corpus to a having




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