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单词 summation
释义  sum·ma·tion /səˈmeɪʃən/ AWL noun [countable] formal  1. SUMMARIZEa summary or summing-up 总结,概要;〔法官在审判结束时作的〕总结2. TOTALthe total amount or number when two or more things are added together 总和,总数,合计Examples from the Corpussummation• This is because it is essentially a desk exercise requiring no more than a summation of information provided against a standard requirement.• Reagan's testimony was indeed a dramatic summation of sorts, and the most bizarre of all.• And at the end of the day these will need summation in a single document.• There can be no summation for him because there is nothing there to sum up.• Then the output depends upon whether the result of the summation is positive or negative.sum·ma·tion nounChineseSyllable  a summary Corpus summing-up or




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