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单词 chairwoman
释义  chair·wom·an /ˈtʃeəˌwʊmən/ noun (plural chairwomen /-ˌwɪmɪn/) [countable]  IN CHARGE OFa woman who is a chairperson 女主席;女会长;女主持人Examples from the Corpuschairwoman• A woman who chairs a meeting is either a chairwoman or a chair, never a chairman.• She later served a term as chairwoman of the council.• I mean, I don't object to sensible changes - saying chairwoman when it's appropriate, for instance.• Stewart, chairwoman of Omnimedia, will relinquish the job of editor in chief at her magazine to editor Stephen Drucker.From Longman Business Dictionarychairwomanchair‧wom‧an /ˈtʃeəˌwʊmənˈtʃer-/ noun (plural chairwomen /-ˌwɪmɪn/) [countable] COMMERCEa woman who is in charge of a meeting or who directs the work of a committee or organizationSYN CHAIRthe acting chairwoman of the Broadcasting Standards Councilchair·wom·an nounChineseSyllable  is Business a who Corpus a woman chairperson




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