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单词 Supplementary pension
1. From April 1988 the supplementary pension system will cease to exist and will be replaced by income support.
2. If you're not receiving supplementary pension, you have to claim yourself from the council.
3. As with supplementary pension you are supposed to pay for heating out of weekly income.
4. Up to April 1988 this was known as supplementary pension and was the arm of the supplementary benefit system catering for older people.
5. Like supplementary pension it tops up your income to the amount the government says you need to live on.
6. Supplementary pension has bright prospect in our country.
7. First part contents supplementary pension summary.
8. An enterprise's supplementary pension system is an important supplement to the basic endowment insurance system.
9. You will be entitled to supplementary pension fund and housing fund.
10. As businesses and workers to establish voluntary supplementary pension insurance, enterprise annuities have been an increasing number of enterprises and workers of all ages.
11. Foundation and development in our country of supplementary pension will have a far-reaching impact on capital market.
12. So setting up and perfecting the system of supplementary pension of our country right away seem particularly important.
13. Supplementary pension is the second pillar and important part of the social security system, which is established by enterprise and its employees voluntarily based on their basic pension.
14. Married couples were most likely to have occupational pensions and least likely to have a supplementary pension.
15. Japan and Hong Kong as the Asian countries, their successful operation of supplementary pension funds is also worth of our learning.
16. ESOP, regarded as employees welfare, is an important form of supplementary pension.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. The enterprise charges the elderly a handling fee, part of which is the Supplementary Pension for the people who care, and the remaining is used for the operation of the business.
18. It is inter-dynamic that the developed country has already formed the supplementary pension and capital market.
19. The content of the third part of article is the perfection of the system of supplementary pension of our country.
20. High contribution arose from the high replacement ration has limited the development of the enterprise supplementary pension plan.




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