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单词 student
释义 Word family  noun student study studiousness adjective studious studied verb study adverb studiously  stu·dent /ˈstjuːdənt $ ˈstuː-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  STUDYsomeone who is studying at a university, school etc 学生,学员 → pupilstudent at a first-year student at the University of Oslo 奥斯陆大学的一名一年级学生law/science/medical etc student There are plenty of job opportunities for engineering students. 学工程的学生有许多工作机会。student teacher/nurse etc (=someone who is studying to be a teacher, nurse etc) 实习教师/护士等A/B/C student (=a student who always gets A's, B's etc for their work) 成绩总是得 A/B/C 的学生 → mature student2  be a student of something LEARNto be very interested in a particular subject 对某学科非常感兴趣 He’s obviously an excellent student of human nature. 显然他对人性的研究很深入。n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + studenta law/medical/chemistry etc studentApproximately 40% of law students are women.a university/college/school studentHow many college students are politically active?a high school/elementary school student American EnglishHer son is a high school student.a first-year/second-year etc student (=in their first year, second year etc at college or university)First-year students have an exam at the end of A/B/C student American English (=one who usually gets an A, B, or C for their work)He was an A student all the way through high undergraduate student (=one who is studying for a first degree)Most undergraduate students rely on student loans for finance.a postgraduate student British English, a graduate student American English (=one who has already done a first degree)There is a separate university prospectus for postgraduate students.a research student (=doing research in a university)When I returned to Cambridge, I continued this work with two of my research students.a mature student especially British English (=a student who is over 25 years old)He took a degree as a mature student at Birmingham University.a foreign/overseas studentThe University welcomes applications from overseas students.student + NOUNa student loan/grant (=money that is lent or given to a student)Some of them are still paying off student loans.student life (=the way of life of university and college students)Parties are an important part of student life.a student teacher/doctor/nurse (=someone who is learning to be a teacher, doctor, or nurse)Student teachers work alongside qualified teachers to gain classroom experience. THESAURUSstudent someone who is studying at a university or school. In British English, student is not usually used to refer to a child at primary school 学生,学员〔英国英语中通常不指小学生〕a student at Moscow University 莫斯科大学的一名学生How many students are there in your class? 你班上有多少学生?nThe university has a lot of overseas students.nMost schools have special classes for students with learning difficulties.pupil especially British English someone who is being taught in a particular school or by a particular teacher 〔某学校或某位教师的〕学生The school has 300 pupils. 这所学校有300名学生。He received a letter from one of his former pupils. 他收到以前的一个学生写来的信。schoolchild a child who goes to school 学童,中[小]学生The play was performed by a group of local schoolchildren. 这出戏由一群当地的小学生演出。schoolboy/schoolgirl especially British English a boy or girl who goes to school – used especially when talking about how they behave, or that time in someone’s life 〔中小学的〕男生/女生〔尤用于谈论其行为或学生时代〕They were behaving like naughty schoolgirls. 她们的行为就像调皮的小女生似的。When he was a schoolboy, no one had heard of computers. 他还是小学生的时候,没有人听说过电脑。nHe blushed at her like a schoolboy.learner someone who is learning a foreign language 学生,学习〔外语〕者Learners often have problems with pronunciation. 学生常有发音问题。a book for foreign learners of English 一本为学英语的外国人写的书Examples from the Corpusstudent• There are only 15 students in each class.• Student leaders had organized a sit-in to protest against the war.• She's a student at Cornell University.• Studies had shown that the more assessment tests a student failed, the likelier that student was to drop out.• Wiggins was a student of theology for many years before leaving the seminary.• What was the social life like when you were a student nurse?• We would welcome suggestions from both teachers and students.• Seventy percent of the university's business students have job offers by graduation.• extra help for disabled students• He was accused of attacking a fellow student.• Others are fortunate to find supportive faculty, administrators, and fellow students.• Law students always have a lot of work to do.• Relying on math formulas or drills in class, the study suggests, bores many students and undermines their performance.• We have a large number of mature students here, some with small children.• a farewell party for the overseas students• The study found that drug use among high school students is rising.• To get a better grade the student must take it from one of the students above by out-performing him or her.• The device ensures that the students have the correct information and avoids copious note-taking.• At the first meeting with the students we discussed with them the arguments for this way of working and secured their agreement.• Mira hadn't seen Brad since their student days at the University of Wisconsin.• How can all that knowledge be condensed into a fifty-minute lecture to students who know almost nothing about it?Origin student (1400-1500) Latin present participle of studere; → STUDY1stu·dent noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a someone who school is Corpus studying university, at




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