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单词 structuralism
释义 Word family  noun structure restructuring structuralism structuralist adjective structural structuralist structured verb structure restructure adverb structurally  Related topics: Linguisticsstruc·tur·al·is·m /ˈstrʌktʃərəlɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]  SLRRa method of studying language, literature, society etc in which you examine the relationships of the different parts or ideas in order to determine their meaning 结构主义〔指语言学、文学、社会学等学科中通过分析不同部分或观点之间的关系以确定其含义的研究方法〕 —structuralist adjective, nounExamples from the Corpusstructuralism• In contrast to Formalism and structuralism, the New Criticism was empiricist and humanistic.• He does not, as does, say, Jon Elster, challenge structuralism for its putative functionalism.• In literary theory they emerge as Marxism, phenomenology, existentialism, structuralism, poststructuralism, deconstruction.• The discipline became dominated by two new theoretical models: first a functionalist theory of synchronic adaptation, and later structuralism.• In effect Lévi-Strauss is making structuralism do more work than it is equipped for without considerable development.• The new poets were also interested in the new linguistic philosophies of structuralism and post-structuralism.• Thus the department's structuralist lectures on structuralism, the department's feminist lectures on feminism, and so on.• Prague School structuralism is a programme for the precise and systematic explanation of the aesthetic effect of a text in its totality.struc·tur·al·is·m nounChineseSyllable  of studying method society a literature, etc Corpus language,




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