单词 |
stooge |
释义 |
Related topics: Performingstooge /stuːdʒ/ noun [countable] 1. informalOBEY someone who is used by someone else to do something unpleasant, dishonest, or illegal – used to show disapproval 傀儡,走狗〔含贬义〕2. APone of two performers in a comedy show, who the other performer makes jokes about and makes look stupid 〔作为另一演员作弄打趣对象的〕配角,丑角Examples from the Corpusstooge• He accused her of being a stooge of the Tory Party.• Even through quasi-delirium Jack recognized a Devane stooge.• Like stooges, we accept in silence.• It can be said he was addressing a captive audience ... of stooges.• Others will divine whether the Martins were lucky hobbyists or party stooges.• Community leaders in the area are widely regarded as police stooges.• Kim was frequently regarded in the West as a Soviet stooge but this was erroneous.• Nugent was supposed to be the stooge.• The stooge who set up the question was a local Free Presbyterian elder!stooge nounChinese do someone to something by who Corpus used is else someone |
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- Henry vii
- William ii
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- 今人不见古时月,今月曾经照古人。
- 今人真假难辨》原文|译文|赏析
- 今人苦不肯谦,只要拿得架子定,以为存体。夫子告子张从政,以无小大、无众寡、无敢慢为不骄。而周公为相,吐握、下白屋,甚者父师有道之君子,不知损了甚体?若名分所在,自是贬损不得。
- 今人见前辈先达作事,不自振拔,辄生叹恨,不知渠当我时也曾叹恨人否,我当渠时能免后人叹恨否。事不到手,责人尽易,待君到手时,事事努力,不轻放过便好。只任哓哓责人,他日纵无可叹恨,今日亦浮薄子也。
- 今人骨肉之好不终,只为看得“尔、我”二字太分晓。
- 今以众地者,公作则迟,有所匿其力也;分地则速,无所匿也
- 今传是楼诗话
- 今别离(四首)·黄遵宪
- 今去淫侈之俗,行节俭之术,使车舆有度,衣服器械各有制数。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
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- 今古纷纷辨口,聚讼盈庭,积书充栋,皆起于世教之不明,而聪明才辨者各执意见以求胜。故争轻重者至衡而息,争短长者至度而息,争多寡者至量而息,争是非者至圣人而息。中道者,圣人之权衡度量也。圣人往矣,而中道自在,安用是哓哓强口而逞辨以自是哉?嗟夫!难言之矣。
- 今吾于人也,听其言而观其行
- 今四海九州之人,郡异风,乡殊俗,道德不一故也。故天下皆守先王之礼,事上接下,交际往来,揆事宰物,率遵一个成法,尚安有诋笑者乎?故惟守礼可以笑人。
- 今国是大定,邻好胥睦。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 今国是大定,邻好胥穆,犹泰山而四维之,尚何忧何虑。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
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