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单词 stitch
释义  Related topics: Sewing & knitting, Hospital, Clothes & fashionstitch1 /stɪtʃ/ ●○○ noun  1. sewing 缝纫 [countable]DLH a short piece of thread that has been sewn into a piece of cloth, or the action of the thread going into and out of the cloth 〔缝纫中的〕一针;缝2  for wound 缝合伤口 [countable]MH a piece of special thread which has been used to sew the edges of a wound together 〔缝合伤口的〕缝线 He had to have ten stitches in his head. 他头上不得不缝了十针。3. pain 疼痛 [countable usually singular]MHPAIN a sharp pain in the side of your body, which you can get by running or laughing a lot 〔跑步或大笑引起的胁部的〕剧痛4  with wool 用毛线 [countable]DCDLH a small circle of wool that is formed around a needle when you are knitting 〔编结中的〕一针drop a stitch (=lose a stitch because the wool has come off the needle) 漏掉一针5  style 风格 [countable, uncountable]DLH a particular way of sewing or knitting that makes a particular pattern 缝法,针法;编结法 Purl and plain are the two main stitches in knitting. 反针和平针是编织中的两种主要织法。6. not have a stitch on informalNAKED to be wearing no clothes 一丝不挂,赤身露体7  in stitches LAUGHlaughing a lot in an uncontrollable way 大笑不止的have/keep somebody in stitches (=make someone laugh) 使某人大笑不止 Her jokes had us all in stitches. 她的笑话让我们大家笑破了肚皮。8. a stitch in time (saves nine) spokenDO something/TAKE ACTION used to say that it is better to deal with problems early than to wait until they get worse 一针及时,可省九针;及时处理,事半功倍Examples from the Corpusstitch• Sandstrom needed 10 stitches to close a cut on his forehead.• After jogging about a mile, I suddenly got a stitch in my side.• She showed me how to cover the cloth with an embroidery stitch which finally created a small, neat, round button.• Picture by Brendan O'Sullivan Few of us get through childhood without a broken bone or a few stitches.• This allowed four stitches between hedgehogs if they were knitted as a band or series of bands on a sweater.• After the last stitch of the row, bring the needle up through the stitch above.• Most start with a welt and then change to the main stitch and there may even be some shaping to do.• The seam of the shirt was straight and the stitches tight and regular.• The Toronto Sun reported that she received two stitches, but neither the Rangers nor the hospital would confirm that.drop a stitch• But I drop stitches, I find.• Tuck stitch has a tendency to drop stitches and the tuck brushes are there to prevent this.Related topics: Householdstitch2 verb [transitive]  1 DHFASTEN/DO UPto sew two pieces of cloth together, or to sew a decoration onto a piece of cloth 缝,缝合,缝补;缝缀 Mary is stitching a bedspread. 玛丽在缝床罩。stitch something onto/across something The jersey has his name stitched across the back. 运动衫的后背缝着他的名字。2 stitch something ↔ together phrasal verb American English a) to put different things or parts of something together to make one larger thing 拼凑起,组织起 In ten years, they have been able to stitch together a national network of banks. 十年内,他们已搭建起一个全国性的银行网络。b) to get a deal or agreement arranged 安排,筹备〔交易或协议〕3 stitch somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a) MHDHto put stitches in cloth or a wound in order to fasten parts of it together 缝合,缝拢 She stitched up the cut and left it to heal. 她把伤口缝好让它愈合。b) SOLVE/DEAL WITH A PROBLEMto get a deal or agreement completed satisfactorily so that it cannot be changed 圆满地完成〔交易或协议〕 The deal was stitched up in minutes. 那笔交易很快就谈成了。c) British English informal to deceive someone, especially in order to gain money from them 欺骗,欺诈〔尤指骗钱〕d) British English informalGUILTY to make someone seem guilty of a crime by providing false information 〔提供假情报〕陷害,诬陷 SYN frame→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstitch• Nick's wounds were decoratively stitched.• Considering the arduous nature of their work, these require darning and stitching all too often.• Finally I used five centimetres of narrow lace which I gathered and stitched around the neck to form a collar.• Repetitive tasks, whether sorting coupons, stitching fabric or entering data, wear most workers toward early retirement.• Instead of stitching the bora along the horizontal, he had stitched it along the vertical.stitch something onto/across something• He was given a baseball jersey with his name stitched across the back.Origin stitch1 Old English stice “prick”stitch1 nounstitch2 verbChinese  been that thread a sewn has piece of short Corpus




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