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单词 stigmata
释义  Related topics: Christianitystig·ma·ta /ˈstɪɡmətə, stɪɡˈmɑːtə/ noun [plural]  RRCmarks that appear on the hands and feet of some holy people, and which look like the wounds made by nails on the body of Christ 圣痕,圣伤〔某些圣徒手足上的伤痕,与耶稣身上的钉痕相似〕Examples from the Corpusstigmata• This is despite the fact that they carry only a minority of the 13 stigmata of weediness.• All these patients exhibited biological stigmata of primary hyperparathyroidism.• Endoscopic stigmata of recent haemorrhage allow the identification of lesions with a high risk of rebleeding.• It looks like a standard case, but despite the stigmata I elect to join her in innocence.• The stigmata on this foot was carefully examined during its official recognition in 1597.stig·ma·ta nounChineseSyllable  feet that marks appear on the and of hands Corpus




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