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单词 disc
释义  Related topics: Shapes, patterns, Recording, Computers, Human, Medicinedisc (also disk especially American English) /dɪsk/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun [countable]  1  CFCIRCLEa round flat shape or object 圆盘形状,圆盘状物 three keys attached to a metal disc 穿在金属圆盘上的三把钥匙2. TCRa compact disc 激光唱片;光碟,光盘3. TCRa record that you play on a record player 〔唱机上播放的〕唱片4  British EnglishTD a computer disk 〔计算机的〕磁盘on disc The report form is available on disc from Personnel. 人事部有该报表的磁盘。5  HBHMa flat piece of cartilage between the bones of your back 椎间盘 He retired early because of a slipped disc (=one that has moved out of its correct place). 他因椎间盘突出提早退休了。 → disc brakes, disc jockey, disk drive, laser diskExamples from the Corpusdisc• If you sat in the fireplace and looked up you could see a disc of sky and several iron hooks in silhouette.• The reason why we've stopped you is that there's no disc on your windscreen.• Some rival issues add another work and others get the symphony into one disc.• But MacLeod pulls it off, even writing 10 of the 12 songs on the disc.• There are not many sets simpler than the unit disc!• The unit disc certainly ought to count as recursive!slipped disc• Could it be a slipped disc?• He was only twenty-six and had just recovered from a slipped disc.• He retired early from electrical work because of a slipped disc.From Longman Business Dictionarydiscdisc /dɪsk/ noun [countable]1a COMPACT DISC2British English a computer DISKdisc nounChinese  or a object Corpus Business flat round shape




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