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单词 discard
释义  Related topics: Cardsdis·card1 /dɪsˈkɑːd $ -ɑːrd/ ●○○ verb  1  [transitive]THROW AWAY to get rid of something 扔掉,弃置 SYN throw away Discard any old cleaning materials. 把所有旧清洁用品都扔掉。 discarded paper 丢弃的纸张2. [intransitive, transitive]DGC to put down unwanted cards in a card game 〔在牌戏中〕打出(不想要的牌),垫(牌)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdiscard• Wait! You forgot to discard.• In many cases, expensive equipment is being discarded.• The parasitism of advertising enables it to use and discard any style and content for its own ends.• Meanwhile, librarian Jane Lane has recently had to discard around 100 social science books because they were woefully out of date.• A child had become trapped in a refrigerator discarded in a vacant lot.• Interference pattern Today's cellphone networks treat the interference information as unwanted noise and discard it.• A first step for this current administration would be to discard its ideologically-inspired opposition to council housing building.• I just traded up, discarding my old Colorado Jumbo 250 tape drive for new Colorado Jumbo 1400.• Cut the olives into small slices and discard the pits.• People who discard their litter in the streets should have to pay heavy fines.Related topics: Cardsdis·card2 /ˈdɪskɑːd $ -ɑːrd/ noun [countable]  DGCan unwanted card that is put down in a card game 〔在牌戏中〕因不要而打出的牌,垫出的牌Examples from the Corpusdiscard• Her sensible cotton nightshirt must have been one of his discards.• Marble discards are crushed to make the gravel or composite paving stones you see all over the world.• Cap Sogea had such dominance in the class that her one discard was a 1st place.• What is one institution's discard is another's desideratum.• People pay him to haul away their discards.Origin discard1 (1700-1800) dis- + → CARD15dis·card1 verbdis·card2 nounChineseSyllable  to something get rid Corpus of




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