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单词 steer
释义  steer1 /stɪə $ stɪr/ ●●○ verb  1  car/boat etc 汽车/船等 [intransitive, transitive]DIRECTION to control the direction a vehicle is going, for example by turning a wheel 驾驶 〔车、船等〕 He was steering with only one hand. 他只用一只手在驾驶。steer for/towards etc Steer towards the left. 向左行驶。2  change SB/STH 改变某人/某物 [transitive]CONTROL to guide someone’s behaviour or the way a situation develops 引导,指导〔某人的行为〕;引领〔局势的发展〕steer somebody towards/away from/through etc something Teachers try to steer pupils away from drugs. 教师试图引导学生远离毒品。 Helen tried to steer the conversation away from herself. 海伦设法把话题从自己身上引开。3  be in charge of 负责 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]IN CHARGE OF to be in charge of an organization, team etc and make decisions that help it to be successful, especially during a difficult time 掌管,控制;〔尤指在困难时期〕带领…度过steer something through/to etc something McKinney steered the company through the recession. 麦金尼带领公司度过经济衰退。4  guide SB to a place 引领某人到某处 [transitive]TAKE/BRING to guide someone to a place, especially while touching them 带领,引导 〔尤指同时用手轻触某人〕steer somebody towards/to etc something Joel steered Don and Louise towards the backyard. 乔尔领着唐和路易丝向后院走去。5  steer clear (of somebody/something) informalAVOID to avoid someone or something unpleasant or difficult 避开(某人/某物);从(某人/某物)处脱身 Jo tried to steer clear of political issues. 乔试图避开政治话题。6  steer a course BEHAVEto choose a particular way of doing something 选择某种做法,采用某种方式 Managers were allowed to steer their own course. 经理可以自行决断。 The government chose to steer a middle course between the two strategies (=chose a strategy that was not extreme). 政府在这两种策略之间选择走折中路线。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussteer• She must steer clear of Matthew and then perhaps this ridiculous infatuation would wear off.• However, I began to steer clear of such stories.• The nose wheel is steered conventionally through the rudder pedals from both sides.• Steer slightly to the right as you enter the bend.• Even the children had a go at steering the boat.• Floyd was going to be too drunk to steer the boat.• You can adjust the height of the steering wheel.steer for/towards etc• Mind you, he's already steering for himself.• Here, presumably, students are being steered towards more specialist dictionaries.• Both government lending and tax concessions were highly selective, being steered towards particular industries.• In real-life evolution there is nothing that corresponds to steering towards some distant genetic target.• There was a lighted doorway here, I steered for that.• Novice enthusiasts in London should steer towards the Trafalgar Rowing Centre.• One afternoon I saw the huge grey mass of a supertanker steering towards us, some three miles distant in the murk.steer somebody towards/away from/through etc something• But he said nothing to steer the reporters away from Haldeman, as he had with Colson.• He told her and went back to steer Grace away from harm.• Healthy fears block the path to failure, while unhealthy fears steer organizations away from growth and success.• Maybe he was just trying to steer the conversation away from Theresa.• Still, she thought she would try to steer him away from bacon and toward yogurt.• The only way to steer reclamation away from utter financial disaster in the Missouri Basin was to subsidize it with hydropower revenues.• These kinds of beliefs invariably steer the organization away from the measures it needs to take in times of crisis.Related topics: Animals, Agriculturesteer2 noun [countable]  HBAa young male cow whose sex organs have been removed 〔阉过的〕小公牛 → bullock, heiferExamples from the Corpussteer• The farmer may castrate the excess bulls, creating steers, or slaughter them.• Meanwhile, the tankers did neutral steers and were just blasting with their guns.• That said, it's free from torque steer and is very accurate.From Longman Business Dictionarysteersteer /stɪəstɪr/ verb [transitive]1to guide the way a situation develops, by influencing people’s ideas or actionssteer somebody to somethingHe managed to steer his colleagues to a compromise.steer somebody away from somethingFarmers must be steered away from high-yield farming, towards more environmentally friendly methods.2to be in charge of an organization, team, or process and make decisions that help it to be successful, especially during a difficult timeRivetti is steering a comprehensive restructuring program that will transform the company.3steer clear (of) informal to avoid something or someone unpleasant or difficultWill the economy steer clear of a recession?4steer a middle course to choose a course of action that is not extreme and that does not favour one side more than anothersteer a middle course betweenThe President will try to steer a middle course between environmentalists and the oil industry.→ See Verb tableOrigin steer1 Old English stieran steer2 Old English steorsteer1 verbsteer2 nounChinese  vehicle is Business direction control to the a Corpus going,




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