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单词 staging post
释义  Related topics: Transportˈstaging post noun [countable]  TTa place where people, planes, ships etc stop on a long journey, for example to rest or get supplies 〔长途旅行中的〕中途站 a staging post on the flight from Australia 澳大利亚出发航班的中途站Examples from the Corpusstaging post• The new charters were to be a staging post.• Not much of any importance until it became a staging post on the London to Brighton turnpike in the eighteenth.• Remember that Earth is just a staging post along the way.• This was, I kept telling myself, just a staging post.• Certainly Snaith Priory was a staging post for pilgrims travelling from Lincoln to York, as recorded on the altar kneelers.• The city of Mondovi was a main staging post on the road to Genoa.• They are the vital staging post for millions of birds migrating between Siberia and Australasia.ˈstaging post nounChineseSyllable  etc Corpus place ships planes, a people, where




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