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单词 staggered
释义  stag·gered /ˈstæɡəd $ -ərd/ adjective [not before noun]  extremely surprised 非常吃惊[惊讶]的 SYN amazed I was absolutely staggered when I saw the bill. 看到账单时,我大吃一惊。staggered at/by She was staggered by the directness of his question. 他直截了当的问题让她错愕。► see thesaurus at surprisedExamples from the Corpusstaggered at/by• Even the Kiwis were staggered by his bravery in going for the ball on the floor.• The engineers are staggered at how well preserved the brickwork is.• I was totally staggered at receiving the letter and sat down and stared at it.• Stanford is looking worn down and reminding folks that they staggered at the finish line last year, too.• People are staggered by the sheer wealth of the world revealed by the snapshots.• But they were staggered by the size of the haul when officers raided 30 homes yesterday.• Needless to say I was staggered at this result.stag·gered adjectiveChineseSyllable  extremely surprised Corpus




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