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单词 square
释义  Related topics: Maths, Shapes, patternssquare1 /skweə $ skwer/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective  1  shape 形状HMSHAPE having four straight equal sides and 90° angles at the corners 正方形的,四方形的 a large square room 一个正方形的大房间 →5 see picture at 见图 shape12  angle 角HM forming a 90° angle, or being close to or similar to a 90° angle 成直角的 square corners 方角3  square metre/mile etc TMan area of measurement equal to a square with sides a metre long, a mile long etc 平方米/英里等 about four square metres of ground 大约四平方米的地面4  five feet/two metres etc square TMhaving the shape of a square with sides that are five feet, two metres etc long 五英尺/两米等见方 The room is six metres square. 这个房间六米见方。5  level 水平HORIZONTAL [not before noun] parallel with a straight line 〔与某一直线〕平行的square with I don’t think the shelf is square with the floor. 我觉得这块搁板与地面不 平行。6  square meal MEALa good satisfying meal 健康而丰盛的一顿饭 Children should have three square meals a day. 儿童应该吃好一日三餐。7  body 身体 if someone’s body or a part of their body is square, it looks broad and strong 宽阔结实的 a square jaw 方下巴8  all square British EnglishEQUAL to have the same number of points as your opponent in a competition 打平的,平局的 The teams were all square at the end of the first half. 上半场结束时两队打成平局。9  (all) square informalEQUALOWE# if two people are square, they do not owe each other any money 〔彼此〕两不欠账的 Here’s your £10 back, so that makes us square. 还你 10 英镑,这样我们谁也不欠谁了。10  square deal honest and fair treatment from someone, especially in business 公平对待;公平交易 I’m not getting a square deal here. 我在这里没有得到公平对待。11. boring 乏味的 informalFASHIONABLE# someone who is square is boring and old-fashioned 〔人〕乏味的,古板的12. a square peg in a round hole informalSUITABLE someone who is in a job or situation that is not suitable for them 不适宜做某工作的人;与周围环境格格不入的人 —squareness noun [uncountable] → win (something)/beat somebody fair and square at fair3(1)Examples from the Corpussquare• The pair moved down the centre line and halted square and dead centre.• a square backyard• a square corner• Roy Fredericks always favoured the square cut.• The three-bedroom home is about 2,500 square feet.• Rolling white sand dunes surrounded by a large oasis of swaying palm trees with a square fort in the middle.• In other words, Washington must remain urgently concerned about every square inch of the planet.• He was seated in a deep armchair with flat, square sides.• The floor is only ten inches square so you can't sit down or squat in it.• It's important to be square with clients.square with• The walls should be square with each other.Related topics: Maths, Architecture, Numbers, Board games, Toolssquare2 ●●● S2 W3 noun [countable]  1  shape 形状HMSQUARE a shape with four straight equal sides with 90° angles at the corners 正方形,四方形 → rectangle First of all, draw a square. 首先,画一个正方形。square of a small square of cloth 一块小方布2  in a town 在城镇里AATBAREA a large open area in the centre of a town or city, usually in the shape of a square, or the buildings surrounding it 广场;广场周围的建筑物main/market/town square The hotel is just off the main square of Sorrento. 酒店就在索伦托的主广场附近。 She lives in Hanover Square. 她住在汉诺威广场。3  square one PROGRESS#the situation from which you started to do something 起点be back to/at square one The police are now back at square one in their investigation. 警方的调查工作现在又回到了起点。go back to square one (=used when you start something again because you were not successful the first time) 〔因不成功而〕退回到起点 Okay, let’s go back to square one and try again. 好吧,我们从头开始,再试一次。from square one I’ve had to relearn the game from square one. 我只好从头开始,重学这个游戏。4  number 数字HMN the result of multiplying a number by itself 平方,二次幂 → square rootsquare of The square of 4 is 16. 4 的平方是 16。5. in a game 在游戏中DGB a space on a board used for playing a game such as chess 〔棋盘上的〕方格6. person 人 informalBORING someone who is considered boring and unfashionable 古板守旧的人;老古板 SYN nerd7. tool 工具 (also set square)TZ a flat object with a straight edge, often shaped like an L, used for drawing or measuring 90° angles 直角尺,丁字尺,曲尺Examples from the Corpussquare• Check the saw blade with a square to make sure.• They had been covered with a square of spotted muslin, for decency she supposed.• When a player reaches a black square, they must answer three questions to reach Number 10.• One after another, they gather near the Stone County courthouse square.• The Little Palace Theatre was situated in a side street running off Fellburn market square.• Arrange pheasant pieces on individual plates and place one of the polenta squares on the side of each serving.• Yesterday, Mr Dubcek's name was chanted at least as loudly as it was in the same square over 21 years ago.• Have you been to the bank on the square?square of• a square of green clothmain/market/town square• Its old courthouse, streets lined with Victorian homes and town square scream heartland.• I was leaving an office in a busy New Town square.• They jogged round a corner, and found themselves in what passed for the town square of Dead Rat, Arizona.• Try Bashford Court, across the street from the town square.• For decades, townspeople thought his childhood home was a three-story rowhouse near the market square, now a porcelain shop.• Nowadays, the battlefield is an opera stage, at Sebastiani Theatre on the town square.• Then he hurried away towards the main square.Related topics: Maths, Numberssquare3 verb [transitive]  1. multiply 乘HMCOUNT/CALCULATE to multiply a number by itself 使〔某数〕自乘一次;使〔某数〕成平方2  in a competition 在比赛中DSSAME British English to win a point or game so that you have now won the same number of points or games as the other team or player 把〔比分〕拉平,使〔比赛〕打成平局 India won the second match to square the series at one each. 印度队赢了第二场,把循环赛积分扳为一平。3. square your shoulders DETERMINEDto stand straight and push your shoulders back, usually to show your determination 挺直肩膀,挺起胸膛〔通常以显示决心〕4. make STH straight 使某物变直STRAIGHT to make something straight or parallel 使变直[变平行]5. square the circle IMPOSSIBLEto attempt something impossible 尝试做不可能的事,化圆为方 PHRASAL VERBS6 square something ↔ away phrasal verb American English FINISH DOING somethingto finish something, especially by putting the last details in order 完成〔某事,尤指理清最后的细节〕 Get your work squared away before you leave. 在你离开之前妥善安排好你的工作。n Grammar Square away is usually passive.7 square off phrasal verb a) square something ↔ offSQUARE to make something have neat corners 把某物弄成方形b) American EnglishFIGHT to get ready to fight someone 摆好打斗的架势8 square up phrasal verb a) OWEto pay money that you owe 清账;结账 I’ll pay for the drinks and you can square up later. 我来付饮料的钱,你可以回头再给我。b) British EnglishFIGHT to get ready to fight someone 摆好打斗的架势 to The two lads squared up to each other. 这两个少年各自摆好架势。c) square up to somebody/somethingDEAL WITH to deal with a difficult situation or person in a determined way 果敢地面对某人/某事9 square with phrasal verb a) square (something) with somethingTHINK ABOUT if you square two ideas, statements etc with each other or if they square with each other, they are considered to be in agreement (使)(某物)和某物一致 His story simply does not square with the facts. 他的说法和事实根本不符。 How do you square that with your religious beliefs? 你如何把它和你的宗教信仰调和起来呢?square something with your conscience (=make yourself believe that what you are doing is morally right) 使自己对某事感到心安理得b) square something with somebody British EnglishAGREE to persuade someone to agree to something 使某人同意某事 I’ll take the day off if I can square it with my boss. 如果我能说动老板同意,我就休一天假。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussquare• Then she squared her shoulders and headed indoors.• I have no idea how Eva squared it with her husband, but she did.• The Braves beat the Twins and squared the World Series at two games each.• Not the least of these is that this does not square very well with the way to is learned by children.• The confused events of the 450s and 460s are not easily squared with the literary image of the period purveyed by Sidonius.Related topics: Mathssquare4 adverb  1  EXACTdirectly and firmly 直接地;果断地 SYN squarely Look him square in the eye and say no. 要直视着他的眼睛说“不”。2  HMat 90° to a line 成直角;垂直地 SYN squarelysquare to Wright passed the ball square to Brown. 赖特把球径直传给了布朗。Examples from the Corpussquare• We must be square in the middle of it.From Longman Business Dictionarysquaresquare1 /skweəskwer/ adjective1square metre/mile etcPROPERTY an area of measurement equal to a square with sides a metre long, a mile long etcThe new site will provide 10 million square feet of office space.25 feet/2 metres etc squarePROPERTY shaped like a square with sides that are 5 feet, 2 metres etc longThe room is six metres square.3(all) square informal if two people are square, they do not owe each other any moneyHere’s your £10 back — that makes us all square.squaresquare2 verb [transitive] informal to pay money to someone in an official position, so that they do what you wantSYN BRIBEWe’ll have to square a few government officials, if we’re going to get this scheme approved. → square something → away → square up → square something with somebody→ See Verb tableOrigin square2 (1200-1300) Old French esquarre, from Vulgar Latin exquadra, from exquadrare “to make square”, from Latin quadrare “to make square, fit”square1 adjectivesquare2 nounsquare3 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →PHRASAL VERBS1square4 adverbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus equal having straight sides 90° angles Business and four




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