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单词 sprawl
释义  ldoce_311_bsprawl1 /sprɔːl $ sprɒːl/ ●○○ (also sprawl out) verb [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]  1  LIE DOWNto lie or sit with your arms or legs stretched out in a lazy or careless way 〔懒洋洋地或漫不经心地〕摊开手脚躺[坐]着 He sprawled out on the sofa. 他摊开手脚躺在沙发上。 I tripped on a stone and went sprawling on the pavement. 我被一块石头绊了一下,四仰八叉地摔在人行道上。 a blow which sent him sprawling 打得他四脚朝天的一拳 →5  See picture of SPRAWL 摊开手脚2  SPREADif buildings sprawl, they spread out over a wide area in an untidy and unattractive way 〔建筑群〕杂 乱地延伸[扩展] The town seemed to sprawl for miles. 这座城市杂乱无章地向外扩展,绵延数英里。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussprawl• Jimmy sprawled, his hands now braced solidly on the steps in front of him.• Gallagher drove his fist into his face and sent him sprawling on his back.• Carla is sprawled on the sofa.• We bathed our feet deliciously before sprawling on the soft mossy bank in the drying heat of the sun.• The middle-class neighborhoods sprawl outward from the city center.• They sprawled panting on the ground, resting their weight against the rocks.• Ralemberg and his wife sprawled there, their throats gashed from ear to ear.went sprawling• He took three flights without stopping, and when he reached the last, he went sprawling.• One of them collided with Dunne and went sprawling.• Although he hadn't actually handled her particularly roughly, she lost her balance and went sprawling on the floor.sprawl2 noun [singular, uncountable]  AREAa large area of buildings that are spread out in an untidy and unattractive way 〔建筑群〕杂乱扩展的大片地区 We drove through miles of urban sprawl before we finally got out into the countryside. 我们开车行驶数英里,穿过向外无序扩展的城区,终于来到了乡间。Examples from the Corpussprawl• Through the front window lay a sprawl of hills, but the window above my bed butted the neighbour's garage.• On one side of them was a sprawl of turquoise cabbages, frilly and tight-waisted, ready to bolt.• His sprawl makes me seem like a silent, precise insect.• Some people call it rural sprawl.• The editor of a new national magazine called me up before Christmas and asked me to write a story about suburban sprawl.• They identify the mechanisms that make suburban sprawl possible, almost inevitable.• As long as that remains the status quo, there will be uncontrolled sprawl in Tucson.• A fictionalised countryside comes back to brighten the dark heart of the urban sprawl.urban sprawl• These powers were permissive, and in most of Britain urban sprawl and ribbon development continued more or less unabated.• The natural habitats of Britain's wildlife have been ravaged by urban sprawl and pollution.• Ribbon development, urban sprawl and scattered housing were all brought under reasonable control.• This factor had considerable importance in engendering urban sprawl.• More freeways will just mean more urban sprawl.• If you want the definition of urban sprawl, look at one-acre or three-acre lots.• Nor are the results of urban sprawl always aesthetic.• At that time, little was done to control the urban sprawl.• They soon left the urban sprawl of roundabouts, sodium streetlights and Wimpey homes and Dexter began to speed along country lanes.• A fictionalised countryside comes back to brighten the dark heart of the urban sprawl.• It negates home-field advantage for home-grown retailers and contributes to urban sprawl.Origin sprawl1 Old English spreawliansprawl1 verbsprawl2 nounChinese  with arms to sit Corpus your lie or




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