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单词 beside
释义  be·side /bɪˈsaɪd/ ●●● S3 W2 preposition  1  NEXT TOnext to or very close to the side of someone or something 在…旁边,在…近旁 Wendy came up and sat beside me. 温迪走过来,坐在我身边。 the table beside the bed 床边的桌子 I was standing right beside her at the time. 当时我就站在她的旁边。 ► Do not confuse beside (=next to) and besides (=in addition to): He sat down beside Mary. | Who was there besides you?不要混淆 beside (在…旁边)和 besides(除此之外): He sat down beside Mary. 他在玛丽身边坐了下来。 | Who was there besides you? 那里除了你还有谁?2  COMPAREin comparison with something or someone 和…相比 This year’s sales figures don’t look very good beside last year’s results. 今年的销售额和去年相比不是很好。 The children seemed tiny beside him. 孩子们在他身边显得只有一丁点大。3  be beside yourself ANGRYto be feeling so angry, excited etc that you find it difficult to control yourself 〔由于气愤、激动等而〕失去控制;忘形 The poor girl was almost beside herself. 那个可怜的女孩快要气疯了。be beside yourself with anger/excitement/rage etc Mom and Dad will be beside themselves with worry. 爸爸和妈妈会担心死的。4  be beside the point CONNECTED WITHto not be directly connected with the main subject or problem that you are talking about 离题,与主题无关 He’s very charming, but that’s beside the point. 他很有魅力,但那是题外话了。Examples from the Corpusbeside• Delhi is so old that many European cities actually look young beside it.• Tom's efforts seemed so weak beside Martin's.• Ella came and sat down beside me.• Gary, come sit beside me.• On the table beside the bed were several medicine bottles.• The loss of the port pales beside the gain of a peace treaty.• a cabin beside the lake• They were sitting beside the pool, eating breakfast.right beside• It was pumping from something right beside her, pooling around her legs.• Cardiff froze in his tracks, and now the others were right beside him; all staring back at this impossible sight.• A lighted taper appeared in mid-air, right beside him.• Lincoln stayed right beside me, pressing against me as I yanked on the car door, having trouble getting it open.• And Miguel would be sitting right beside Spider, like his old lieutenant.• Turn right beside the stream to junction with main river.• And right beside them were graduates from Yale, Stanford, and Penn.Origin beside Old English be sidan “at or to the side”be·side prepositionChineseSyllable  close next of or someone very side the or Corpus to to




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