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单词 parasitic
释义  Related topics: Animals, Plants, Illness & disabilitypar·a·sit·ic /ˌpærəˈsɪtɪk◂/ (also parasitical /-ˈsɪtɪkəl/) adjective  1  HBAHBPliving in or on another plant or animal and getting food from them 寄生的 parasitic fungi 寄生真菌2. LAZYASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethinga parasitic person is lazy, does no work, and depends on other people 〔人〕寄生虫似的,靠他人为生的3. MIa parasitic disease is caused by parasites 〔疾病〕由寄生虫引起的 —parasitically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusparasitic• Parasitic beetles often make their homes in the nests of ants.• Brood parasitic birds are becoming favoured examples in studies of coevolution.• Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant.• Destructiveness and self-doubt are preferable to the enfeebled body politic and the parasitic Church.• The more violent the oscillations the greater the amount of parasitic genetic material.• Both free-living and parasitic phases of the life cycle are similar to those of the bovine species.• The free-living and parasitic stages are similar to those of Ostertagia.• It is only the female Ergasilus which is parasitic to fish.• The vector of the parasitic worm is a tiny crustacean, Cyclops.par·a·sit·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  in on or getting animal or Corpus living plant and another




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