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单词 sport
释义 Word family  noun sport adjective sporting unsporting sporty verb sport  Related topics: Sport, Outdoorldoce_310_hsport1 /spɔːt $ spɔːrt/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  games 运动 a) [countable]DSSPORT/GAME a physical activity in which people compete against each other 〔某项〕体育运动 My favourite sports are tennis and swimming. 我最喜欢的运动是网球和游泳。 a sports team 运动队 All students are encouraged to take part in a sport. 鼓励所有的学生都要参加一项体育运动。 He picked up the newspaper and turned to the sports pages. 他拿起报纸,翻到体育版。 b) [uncountable] British EnglishSPORT/GAME sports in general 体育运动〔总称〕 Why is there so much sport on TV? 为什么电视上的体育节目这么多? I always hated sport at school. 上学时我一直讨厌体育运动。5 GRAMMAR 语法• The uncountable use of sport is British English only. sport 仅在英国英语中作不可数名词用I’m not interested in sport.我对体育没兴趣。• In American English, the plural sports is used. 美国英语中用复数 sportsHe likes watching sports on TV.他喜欢看电视里的体育节目。n GRAMMAR: Countable or uncountable?• In British English, you say: I like watching sport on TV. Sport is an uncountable noun in this meaning.• In American English, you say: I like watching sports on TV. Sports is a plural noun in this meaning. →5  See picture of tennis ball 网球, hockey stick 曲棍球球棍, bat BrE 【英】/paddle AmE 【美】乒乓球球拍 ...2  hunting 打猎 [countable]DLOSPORT/GAME an activity that people do in the countryside, especially hunting or fishing 野外运动〔尤指打猎或钓鱼〕 the sport of falconry 放鹰狩猎运动 a demonstration by people opposed to blood sports (=sports that involve killing animals) 反对猎杀动物运动的人士举行的示威游行3  helpful person 热心人 [countable usually singular] (also good sport) old-fashionedHELP a helpful cheerful person who lets you enjoy yourself 乐于助人者,开朗大度的人be a sport (=used when asking someone to help you) 大方一点〔用于向人求助时〕 Be a sport and lend me your bike. 行行好,把自行车借我用一下。4. a good sport someone who does not get angry when they lose at a game or sport 输得起的人,输了不生气的人5. a bad/poor sport someone who gets angry very easily when they lose at a game or sport 输不起的人,输后不服气的人6  man/boy 男子/男孩 spoken a) AusETALK TO somebodyMAN used when speaking to someone, especially a man, in a friendly way 老兄,朋友〔用作友好的称呼,尤用于男子〕 See you later, sport. 回头见,老兄。 b) American English old-fashionedTALK TO somebody used when speaking to a boy in a friendly way 小伙子,小朋友〔用作对男孩的友好称呼〕7  fun 玩笑 [uncountable] old-fashionedENJOY/LIKE DOING something fun or amusement 玩笑,戏谑 Did she torment him merely for sport? 她捉弄他就是为了好玩?8. make sport of somebody old-fashionedMAKE FUN OF to joke about someone in a way that makes them seem stupid 开某人的玩笑,嘲笑某人 → field sports, water sports, winter sports COLLOCATIONSverbsplay (a) sport 从事(一项)体育运动My ambition was to play sport at the highest level. 我的志向就是成为最高水平的运动员。take part in (a) sport 参加(一项)体育运动Students are encouraged to take part in a sport of some kind. 鼓励学生参加某一类体育运动。do sport British English, do sports American English 运动I did a lot of sport at school. 我上学的时候经常运动。take up a sport (=start doing it) 开始玩一项运动I took up the sport six years ago. 我六年前开始玩这项运动。compete in a sport (=do that sport in competitions) 参加某项体育竞赛nShe competed in various sports when she was young.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + sporta team sport 团队运动I liked playing team sports such as football and rugby. 我喜欢玩足球、橄榄球之类的团队运动项目。an individual sport 个人运动You have to be mentally tough to compete in individual sports. 你必须意志坚强才能参加个人体育项目的竞争。a spectator sport (=one that people enjoy watching) 观赏性运动Football is the most popular spectator sport. 足球是人们最爱看的运动。competitive sport(s) (=in which people compete and try to win) 竞技体育nCompetitive sport teaches valuable lessons which last for life.a contact sport (=one in which players have physical contact with each other) 接触式运动nPeople get hurt in contact sports, but they also have fun.a winter sport (=skiing, ice skating etc) 冬季运动nMore and more people are taking up winter extreme sport (=one that is dangerous) 极限运动nMany teenagers are attracted to extreme sports such as snowboarding.professional sport(s) (=which people are paid to do) 职业运动nThe kind of money involved in professional sport makes cheating minority sport (=one that very few people do)Minority sports rarely feature on TV.sports + NOUNa sports team 运动队A lot of schools have their own sports teams. 许多学校有自己的运动队。a sports club 体育[运动]俱乐部She joined her local sports club. 她加入了当地的体育俱乐部。a sports field/ground 运动场地nThe village has its own sports field.a sports event 体育赛事nIs this country able to stage a major sports event?a sports fan (=someone who enjoys watching sport) 体育迷nHe was a big sports fan.a sports personality (=someone who is famous for playing sport) 体育名人nThe event will be opened by a well-known sports personality.sports facilities 体育设施nAll our holiday camps have wonderful sports facilities.sports equipment 体育装备na new online store selling all kinds of sports equipmenta sports injury 运动伤病nThe clinic specializes in treating sports injuries.COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘make (a) sport’. Say do (a) sport or play (a) sport. 不要说 ‘make (a) sport’。 而要说 do (a) sport 或 play (a) sport。n THESAURUSplaces where people do sport field (also pitch British English) a large area of ground, usually covered with grass, where team sports are playedA few kids were playing on the football field.a hockey fieldstadium a large sports field with seats all around it for people to watch team sports or track and field competitionsThe atmosphere in the Olympic Stadium was amazing.a football stadiumground British English a sports field and the seats and buildings around it, belonging to a particular football, rugby, or cricket teamI met my friends inside the ground.ballpark/park American English a stadium where baseball is playedBusch Stadium is one of the newest ballparks in Major League.court an area with lines painted on the ground, for tennis, badminton, basketball, or volleyballThe hotel has four tennis courts and a volleyball court.diamond the area in a baseball field that is within the shape formed by the four bases. The diamond can also be the whole fieldThe pitcher stands in the middle of the diamond.There’s a playground, a picnic area, and a baseball diamond.track a circular path with lines on it, for running onIn the relay, each runner runs once around the track. gym a room with machines which you can use to do exercisesHe spends an hour in the gym every day.pool/swimming pool a place where you can swimHe jumped into the deep end of the pool.I’ll meet you outside the swimming pool.sports centre British English, sports center American English a building where you can play many types of indoor sportsWhy not do exercise classes at your local sports centre?health club a small sports centre, where you pay to be a memberHow much does it cost to join a health club?Examples from the Corpussport• Sport has always been very important in this part of the country.• She's interested in cinema, music and sport.• They include My Yahoo!, a Web site providing personalized news, weather and sports.• Motorcycle racing can be a dangerous sport.• Soccer is Mark's favorite sport.• His favourite sports are swimming and tennis.• Many sports are a form of disciplined warfare.• We don't do much sport at my school.• I think everyone should do at least one sport, in order to keep fit.• Today's kids need to spend less time watching television, and more time playing sports.• Will the state promote sport as a safe, numbing kind of nationalistic cocoon for healthy, obedient citizens?• Minnie's been a real sport about all the houseguests.• But first with the weekend's sport here's Tim Russon.• The Sporting News recently had the nerve to name Woods the most powerful man in all of sports.• The special place that they had enjoyed in traditional sports was much reduced.• Which sports do you play at school?blood sports• The centre actively campaigns to abolish blood sports and cares for sick foxes.• The ban on hunting has been welcomed by anti blood sports campaigners.• An extreme example of Western attitude towards animals is the so-called blood sports, most of which have now died out.• There is an aesthetic, if we can dignify it with that word, which distinguishes blood sports from each other.• Then the person you are speaking to slips in words like blood sports, slaughter, cruel, fluffy creatures.• This is the question of field or blood sports.• Has the blood sports lobby lost the argument?• The antipathy to blood sports is more profound because it is unethical to torment and kill any sentient creature for mere a sport• The Notting Hill star, 39, was sporting his new spiky hairdo.• But baseball is a sport with deep roots in the past.• But then most of the police - even the ones in cars - are sporting red noses for the occasion.• His clients were sports stars like jockey Pat Eddery and boxer Lennox Lewis.• His father was a sports writer covering boxing for the Chicago Journal and the Chicago Times.• Gary Healea was a sports fan in the original sense of the word: a fanatic.• A super gift idea is a sports movie video.• Lets face it, most of us are sports fans.sport2 verb  1  be sporting something WEAR CLOTHESto be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way 炫耀某物,卖弄某物 Eric was sporting a new camelhair coat. 埃里克得意地穿了一件新的驼绒大衣。2  [intransitive] literaryENJOY/LIKE DOING something to play together happily 嬉戏,玩耍 the sight of dolphins sporting amidst the waves 海豚戏浪的情景→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussport• Will came back from his trip sporting a mustache and a beard.• The ancient gas refrigerator sports a screwdriver for a door handle.• It seems that every police car is brand-new, and Hussein's soldiers sport crisp, new uniforms.• When it finally is released, the new Windows will sport some cool new features.• Whales were spouting and sporting with each other.• Even fewer pull it off while sporting zoot suits.Origin sport1 (1300-1400) disportsport1 noun →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1sport2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  activity physical compete a against Corpus which in people




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