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单词 Hanoi
1, If relations between Hanoi and Washington begin to normalise, anything is possible.
2, Hanoi, meanwhile, had sent out peace feelers.
3, Nixon meanwhile began the Christmas bombing campaign against Hanoi.
4, Tried in Hanoi on charges of sedition, he died under house arrest in Hue fifteen years later.
5, Hanoi remains a throwback to a time when cities were built for humans, not automobiles.
6, Hanoi also accepted back more than 100,000 refugees, who are said to have suffered virtually no discrimination on their return.
7, But Hanoi and Haiphong were almost totally unscathed, and the nearby countryside seemed to have been scarcely touched.
8, He was a licentiate in law of Hanoi University working as a history teacher.
9, Old Hanoi hands said nothing had been seen on this scale since Fidel Castro hit town in the 1970s.
10, Many officials in Hanoi had hoped the lifting of the trade embargo in February 1994 would lead to quicker economic gain.
11, Lakes and tree-lined streets dominate the rest of Hanoi,(http:///hanoi.html) built along the murky Red River.
12, We were listening to Hanoi radio, the best music on the dial.
13, On March 30, 1972, Hanoi launched its own major offensive across the demilitarized zone.
14, A senior officer in Hanoi later confided to me that nearly a million Communist troops had died and millions more were wounded.
15, Except for a Christmas truce, the battle of Hanoi raged through December.
16, Hanoi itself appeared to be caught in a time warp.
17, It quickly made Hanoi the most heavily bombed city in the history of warfare.
18, Giap left Hanoi on the weekend, when his absence from school would not be noticed.
19, But most people in Hanoi could not afford consumer luxuries, and even acquiring necessities was a full-time job.
20, They have discussed setting up a military hotline between Hanoi and Bangkok.
21, But he offered not only an iron fist to Hanoi there was a velvet glove also.
22, Every night the news was broadcast on this station by Hanoi Hanna.
23, And it left open the fourth option, to step up military action against Hanoi and otherwise escalate the war.
24, The trouble with the first option, to simply end the war, was that Hanoi would not cooperate.
25, They worked like hurricane-lamps and had cost the grand total of three dollars in Hanoi market.
26, Most of all, Nixon justified the continuation of the war by raising the issue of the POWs held by Hanoi.
27, The French soldiers, who had surrendered without fighting, were interned in Hanoi.
28, The prison that once sprawled over a full city block has been demolished to make way for the 20-story Hanoi Tower.
29, Mr Clinton was horribly late for a night at the Hanoi opera house, keeping everyone waiting.
30, Cole was captured after his plane was shot down outside Hanoi.
31, Naturally, Hanoi heralded the bombing halt and the peace talks in Paris as great victories.
32, One of the returnees, Nguyen Van Khang, was detained on arrival in Hanoi for allegedly stealing state property.
33, College of International Relations: Hanoi; Rector - Pham Binh.
34, Truong Dai hoc Su Pham Ngoai Ngu : Hanoi.
35, I drove into Hanoi with strange detachment.
36, This presumably would come as news to the judges in Hanoi and Haiphong who, earlier this month, sentenced nine democracy activists to jail terms of up to six years in a series of short trials.
37, A terse message was sent to Hanoi simply informing it of our actions.
38, After completing his bilateral meetings in Hanoi, President Bush left Vitenamese capital for Ho Chi Minh City.
39, Environmentalist at Hanoi University of Sciences Professor Co says using LPG is a viable fuel option.
40, Hanoi says both incidents occurred well within the 200 nautical miles guaranteed to Vietnam as an exclusive economic zone by international law.
41, Truong Dai hoc Mo - Dia chat : Tu Liem District, Hanoi city; f . 1966.
42, To this small but increasingly strident group a victory for Hanoi was not regrettable.
43, On October 28, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with his Laotian counterpart Bouasone Bouphavanh in Hanoi.
44, Though Hanoi and Beijing both claimed victory, the war was a chastening experience for all involved.
45, President Mitterrand arrived in Hanoi yesterday to bury old colonial and cold war enmities.
46, Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam is not only the political and cultural center but also the economic center of the country.
47, According to that algorithm, this article puts forward a formula to calculate the number of movements necessary for the 4-peg Hanoi Tower problem, and proves it using mathematical induction.
48, Hanoi Tower is more classical recursion problem while designing program.
49, Big money is being made in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
50, Depart by flight from home city to Hanoi , the capital of Vietnam.
51, Dhaka, Hanoi, Surabaya and Kathmandu were identified has having limited capability to manage air quality.
52, Institute of Industrial Chemistry: 1 Pham Ngu Lao St , Hanoi ; f .1959.
53, Recursive methods HANOI tower realize the number of open issues subroutine modules.
54, On the same day, we also decided to bring home to Hanoi that we meant bussiness.
55, The guzzlers of Munich's beer halls are the stuff of bacchanalian legend: now they have to contend with rivals hailing from the bars and street stalls of Hanoi and New Delhi.
56, Earlier this year, after a Vietnamese ship had its surveying cables cut by a Chinese patrol boat, hundreds joined anti-China protests in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
57, In Vietnam's Bac Ninh province, 12 miles (19 km) from downtown Hanoi, shimmering emerald paddy fields are now bisected by a four-lane highway.
58, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, Regional Forum begins in Friday in Hanoi.
59, The paper discusses both of the recursive and non - recursive solution of the Hanoi problem and delivers a non - recursive solution, which is better than the existed recursive one.
60, State Bank of Vietnam ( Vietbank ): 49 Ly Thai To , Hanoi ; f .1951.
61, Hanoi is famous for pho, a steaming noodle soup flavored with cilantro and lime.
62, IBM is also turning its attention and earmarking funds to develop relationships with the University of Technology in Ho Chi Minh City and the College of Technology in Hanoi.
63, Today you can now fly direct from Kunming to Yangon, Hanoi,() Hong Kong and Singapore.
64, Tower of Hanoi is a typical problem that can only be solved using recursive method.
65, Institute of National Nuclear Research ( Vien Nang Luong Nguyen Tu ): 67 Nguyen Du St , Hanoi; f .1979.
66, Vietnam National General Export - Import Co ( TGeneralexim ) : 46 Ngo Quyen , Hanoi ; tel. 57555 .
67, The most classic Tower of Hanoi recursive algorithm, in addition to a maze of recursion.
68, But on her arrival in Hanoi, the US secretary of state found herself in the midst of a flare-up in smouldering Sino-Japanese relations that eclipsed the rest of the summit.
69, Obviously Hanoi would not show its full hand until Le Duc Tho was on the scene.
70, At the least, the mood music from Ulan Bator was very much less discordant than it was in Hanoi.
71, Institute of Research in Musicology and Choreography : 32 Nguyen Thai Hoc St, Hanoi; f .1976.
72, Hanoi Tower Problem is a typical recursion question, whose solution is mentioned in many books on computation, but there is little concrete realization for them.




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