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单词 splat
释义  Related topics: Textures, soundssplat1 /splæt/ noun [singular] informal  CSSOUNDa noise like something wet hitting a surface hard 〔湿物击打表面时发出的〕啪嗒声Examples from the Corpussplat• With a splat, great splits opened up in the mass.• Or more apropos, one bird splat spreads forevermore.• And lands splat! on his right elbow.• A steady splat, splat, splat that was extremely irritating.• Even before the splat, the gull shapes its wings into a parachute and drops straight down to eat the scattered remains.• The peaty ground compacts water with an unflattering splat beneath my backside.• Leckie, who continually went splat in the mud, always seemed surprised that he did so.splat2 verb (splatted, splatting) [intransitive, transitive]  SOUNDto make a noise like something wet hitting a surface, or to make something make this noise (使)发出啪嗒声 Big raindrops splatted against the windscreen. 大滴大滴的雨点啪嗒啪嗒地打在挡风玻璃上。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussplat• Big fat raindrops started splatting on the windows.Origin splat1 (1800-1900) From the soundsplat1 nounsplat2 verbChinese  something hard noise wet surface like Corpus a a hitting




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