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单词 special education
释义  Related topics: Schoolˌspecial eduˈcation noun [uncountable]  SESMHthe education of children who have physical problems or learning problems 特殊 教育Examples from the Corpusspecial education• That they have an important role to play is already clear in certain areas, such as special education.• Officials say that about 10 percent of all California students are eligible for special education.• Mounting a strong staff development component to help special education staff to improve their performance on the job. 5.• Its special education payments are already close to the state average.• George Dionisovich had no special education in art.• See Chapter 11 for more detailed facts and figures on special education.• In addition, the academic standards of those receiving special education in secondary and special schools are not always impressive.• With the push to integrate, will the needs of the regular education child take priority over the special education child?ˌspecial eduˈcation nounChineseSyllable  have children physical Corpus education of the who




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