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单词 spec
释义  spec /spek/ noun informal  1  [countable usually plural] a detailed instruction about how a building, car, piece of equipment etc should be made 〔制造房子、汽车、设备等的〕规格说明 SYN specification the specs for the company’s new video games console 这家公司新的电子游戏操纵器的规格2  on spec informal HOPEif you do something on spec, you do it without being sure that you will get what you are hoping for 碰运气 I sent in an application on spec. 我寄去一份申请书碰碰运气。3. specs informal [plural]MD glasses that help you see 眼镜Examples from the Corpusspec• I am restoring it and considering upgrading it to 110 spec.• Pre-final spec T9000-based versions will ship in June/July followed by final spec versions in the fourth quarter.• And here's where the question of spec lists raises its head.• They are coming here, essentially, on spec.• You simply landed here on spec?• But Mark McGwire is also working on spec.• Our CD-ROM drive is three times faster than the software specs require.From Longman Business Dictionaryspecspec /spek/ noun [countable] informal1MANUFACTURINGdetailed instructions about how something should be designed or madeSYN specificationWe have made a few alterations to the design spec.2MARKETINGthe spec of a machine, computer etc is the combination of all its special featuresSYNspecificationThe two cars share very similar specs.3on spec if you do something on spec, you do it without being sure that you will get what you are hoping forI sent in an application on spec, but I still haven’t heard from them about any jobs.Origin spec 1. (1900-2000) specification2. (1800-1900) speculation3. (1800-1900) spectaclesspec nounChinese  instruction detailed how a a Corpus about Business




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