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单词 soppy
释义  sop·py /ˈsɒpi $ ˈsɑːpi/ ●○○ adjective (comparative soppier, superlative soppiest) British English informal  1  EMOTIONALexpressing love or emotions in a way that seems silly 多情得傻乎乎的,多愁善感的 SYN American English sappy a soppy film 伤感的电影2  be soppy about somebody/something informal LIKE somebody OR somethingto be very fond of someone or something, in a way that seems silly to other people 非常喜爱某人/某物,对某人/某物很痴迷〔在旁人看来显得有点傻〕 She’s soppy about dogs. 她爱狗如命。Examples from the Corpussoppy• They ranged from the sleazy to the downright soppy.• The show is getting as sloppy as it is soppy.• I was heartbroken when our dog died but I was determined not to be soppy about it.• Really we think Bob Mould and Sugar Sugar are soppy and silly.• After a few drinks, he got all soppy and started talking about the "good old days'.• I couldn't think of anything else so I just bought her a soppy card and some flowers.• Now she knew why Magrat Garlick had always worn those soppy floppy dresses and never wore the pointy hat.• She never tired of listening to soppy love songs.• Ain't Dolly a soppy name?• Both are Hollywood-style productions, one a soppy Western, the other a slapstick item featuring a Chaplin lookalike.Origin soppy (1900-2000) soppy “completely wet” ((19-20 centuries)), from → SOP1sop·py adjectiveChineseSyllable  emotions seems in silly way a love expressing Corpus that or




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