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单词 mental age
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatry, Measurementˌmental ˈage noun [countable]  MPTMa measure of someone’s ability to think, understand etc, expressed as the average age of a child with that level of ability 智力年龄,心理年龄 a 25-year-old man with a mental age of seven 一个智力年龄为7岁的25岁男子Examples from the Corpusmental age• A person of 18 with Down's syndrome and a mental age of four, living with his or her parents?• A medical report estimated she had a mental age of seven years and nine months.• George Mayo is sixty two, but only has a mental age of six.• Children with a mental age of 3 years and above can understand the principle and benefit from its use.• Daughter Helen, 25, needed constant attention after whooping cough left her with a mental age of just two.• A.. There are some people whose physical and mental age is a whole lot younger than their nominal age.• Most of the boys' mental age is about eleven.• The most pathetic case was that of a middle-aged man with the mental age of a child of nine.ˌmental ˈage nounChineseSyllable  of Corpus think, someone’s a to measure etc, ability understand




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