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单词 smith
释义  Related topics: Industry, Occupationssmith /smɪθ/ noun [countable]  TIBOsomeone who makes and repairs things made of iron 铁匠,锻工 SYN blacksmithExamples from the Corpussmith• William Mounsher was appointed College secretary in succession to Huntingford on 1 July, when a smith was also appointed.• It was customary to wear heavy iron or brass rings around their fingers, these being made by the mine smiths.• Corey O'Brien, smithy smith smith smith.• Without Samson's monumental strength, the smiths seemed to lose ground.• Was the smith free to produce his own designs?• The smith was invoking the part of the Elizabethan Poor Law which required the parish to assist the able-bodied to work.• It was almost impossible to know which were coopers and carpenters and which smiths.-smith /smɪθ/ suffix [in nouns] XXa maker of something 工匠;制作者 a gunsmith (=someone who makes guns) 枪炮匠 a wordsmith (=someone who works with words, for example a journalist) 文字工作者Examples from the Corpus-smith• a silversmithnSmith  na very common name in the UK and the US. There is a joke that it is used by people who do not want their real name to be known, especially in the past by people who were sharing a hotel room when they were not married They checked into the hotel as Mr and Mrs John Smith.Origin smith Old Englishsmith noun-smith suffixSmithLDOCE OnlineChinese  and makes things of repairs someone made Corpus who iron




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