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单词 slaver
释义  slav·er1 /ˈslævə $ -ər/ verb [intransitive]  HUNGRY/STARVING literary to let saliva (=liquid produced inside your mouth) come out of your mouth, especially because you are hungry 垂涎,淌口水〔尤因饥饿〕 SYN drool→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusslaver• The dogs started racing toward us, howling and slavering.Related topics: Waterslav·er2 /ˈsleɪvə $ -ər/ noun [countable] old use  1. BEsomeone who sells slaves 奴隶贩子2. TTWa ship for moving slaves from one place to another 奴隶贩运船Examples from the Corpusslaver• Hands are not so easy come by for a slaver.• At Bristol and Liverpool slavers did make up significant proportions of the merchant fleets.• Have you forgotten that your tribe, the Efik, were among the most notorious slavers on the slave coast?• Although his chains still held him tight, the slavers grabbed him and burnt him with searing irons.• The slavers knew what their slaves were about to discover - that language is a form of power.Origin slaver1 (1300-1400) From a Scandinavian language slaver2 (1800-1900) → SLAVE1slav·er1 verbslav·er2 nounChineseSyllable  to saliva produced inside Corpus (=liquid let




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