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单词 Complain
1 Those who complain most are most to be complained of. 
2 Complain to the boy's mother, not to me.
3 Don't complain and do as you are told.
4 There is no reason to complain.
5 I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
6 It boots thee not to complain.
7 Do u have anything to complain about?
8 Stop grumbling! You've got nothing to complain about.
9 Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied.
10 You have no reason to complain.
11 They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.
12 'Did you complain about the noise?' 'Naturally.'
13 You should call customer services and complain.
14 She have no cause to complain.
15 Prisoners complain that they are subjected to too many petty rules and restrictions.
16 Don't complain about things you are not willing to work hard to change.
17 TV viewers have been writing in to complain of the false advertisement.
18 Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.
19 I have to complain against him because of his rudeness.
20 He could not complain that he was uninformed about the true nature of the regime.
21 Some people will complain even if they have no genuine grievance.
22 They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.
23 Just complain about the hand of time,[] love each other to write love.
24 Ron does nothing but criticize and complain all the time.
25 She used to complain without good cause.
26 New mothers often complain of lethargy and mild depression.
27 If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.
28 If you're dissatisfied with the service, why don't you complain to the hotel manager?
29 Not pretend to be silent but have no strength to complain.
30 Life is full of inevitable highs and lows. Don't complain, don't explain, just maintain.
1 Complain to the boy's mother, not to me.
2 Don't complain and do as you are told.
3 There is no reason to complain.
4 I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
5 It boots thee not to complain.
6 Do u have anything to complain about?
7 Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied.
8 You have no reason to complain.
9 They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.
10 'Did you complain about the noise?' 'Naturally.'
11 You should call customer services and complain.
12 She have no cause to complain.
13 Prisoners complain that they are subjected to too many petty rules and restrictions.
14 TV viewers have been writing in to complain of the false advertisement.
15 Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.
16 I have to complain against him because of his rudeness.
17 If you're dissatisfied with the service, why don't you complain to the hotel manager?
18 He could not complain that he was uninformed about the true nature of the regime.
19 Some people will complain even if they have no genuine grievance.
20 They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.
21 Ron does nothing but criticize and complain all the time.
31 Many listeners called in to complain.
32 All she does is complain.
33 Over three hundred people phoned in to complain.
34 It ill becomes you to complain.
35 It was useless to complain.
36 Many outraged viewers wrote to the BBC to complain.
37 He started to complain, I brought him up short.
38 He really has no right to complain.
39 You have no cause for complaint/no cause to complain.
40 I make a good living. I can't complain.
41 I was sorely tempted to complain, but I didn't.
42 I was too cowardly to complain.sentencedict .com
43 Rita was the only person to complain.
44 Then they had the gall to complain!
45 Bill started to complain. I brought him up sharply.
46 People should complain when they consider an advert offensive.
47 We mustn't lose heart when people complain.
48 I have to complain to the manager about it.
49 It was unheard-of for anyone to complain.
50 I always complain about bad service or shoddy goods.
51 She could scarcely complain, could she?
52 I'm going to complain to the manager about this.
53 'How are you?' 'Oh, I can't complain .'
54 Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather.
55 He does nothing but complain/All he does is complain.
56 Don't complain! Count your blessings!
57 It's not in his nature to complain.
58 Nurses complain of being overworked and underpaid.
59 She has to complain against the slight injuries.
60 I'm going to complain to your superiors.
61 Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.
62 They did nothing but complain.
63 After a cold, many patients complain of persistent catarrh.
64 Write to your local councillor to complain.
65 I wrote them a stinking letter to complain.
66 Stop moaning; you really have nothing to complain about.
67 I'm going to complain to the council about this!
68 All she ever does is whinge and complain.
69 She wrote in to the BBC to complain.
70 The other visitors were too well-mannered to complain.
71 and complain in the strongest possible terms.
72 Anyone who dared to complain was immediately slapped down.
73 Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.
74 If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain.
75 We shouldn't complain about being poor many families are much worse off .
76 It is those same people who voted for the Democrats who now complain about their policies.
77 He says he's going to complain to the manager, but I reckon he's all mouth.
78 They are liable to face more mistreatment if they complain to the police.
79 The company's competitors complain that they are hemmed in by rigid legal contracts.
80 I can't be doing with people who complain all the time.WHICH WORD?
81 The TV station has been under siege from irate viewers phoning in to complain.
82 You can try writing to complain, but I don't think it will get you anywhere.
83 The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.
84 The next thing you know, she's phoned to complain and you're suddenly being given the third degree.
85 Hundreds of viewers phoned in to complain after the show.
86 She wrote an impassioned letter to her local newspaper to complain about the new road.
87 Don't be frightened to complain if the service is bad.
88 Tourists complain of being ripped off by local cab drivers.
89 Within an hour of our arrival Caroline was starting to complain.
90 In future I won't bother asking him out anywhere if he's just going to complain that he's bored!
91 If the service was so bad why didn't you complain to the manager?
92 As soon as he came in he proceeded to complain about all his troubles.
93 The cleaning staff went in a body to the manager to complain.
94 For her, of all people, to complain about you being late for work!
95 I don't really think he had just cause to complain.
96 If you can't get any satisfaction, complain to the park owner.
97 They said that her husband used to knock her about but they had never heard her complain.
98 People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.
99 He was determined not to complain in the presence of the nurse.
100 I don't know how you have the face to complain after everything they've done for you!
101 I'd like to complain to the neighbours about the noise, but I don't want to cause any bad feeling .
102 They were afraid to complain about the noise lest they annoyed the neighbours.
102 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
103 The consumers always complain that too much packaging increases the cost of the food.
104 It was entirely my own idea, so I can hardly complain.
105 I think you should complain - unless, of course, you are happy with the way things are.
106 He sent a letter to the council to complain about the noise.
107 Editors complain about the lack of creativity in the ideas put to them.
108 People complain about the filth on TV and in the press.
109 Restaurant-goers ought to complain more about bad food and service.
110 They said that her husband used to knock her around but they had never heard her complain.
111 You can complain, but I doubt if it'll make any difference.
112 I can't be doing with people who complain all the time.
113 He didn't half complain!
114 He was silent all through the meal and then had the effrontery to complain that I looked bored!
115 People always complain that the big banks and big companies are unfriendly and unhelpful.
116 What would you say to Mrs So-and-so who has called to complain about a noisy neighbour?
117 Don't complain!Recount your blessings!
118 You can't complain of being lonely when you don't make any effort to meet people.
119 Dealers across the country continue to complain about huge stocks of unsold cars.
120 She's one of those guests who does nothing but complain.
121 The characters complain ceaselessly about food queues, prices and corruption.
122 She expressed her disgust at the programme by writing a letter to complain.
123 He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.
124 I'd complain to the manager but it's not worth the aggro.
125 When they reach here they complain that they are not being paid as per the agreement.
126 Everyone should put pencil to paper and complain about the proposal.
127 He came to complain about the volume of the music.
128 Can smokers really complain if more tax is put on cigarettes?
129 If anyone treated me like that, I should complain to the manager.
130 People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games.
131 City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs.
132 Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.
132 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
133 My insides are beginning to complain about the lack of food.
134 Don't find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain. Henry Ford 
135 Actresses complain about not having challenges.
136 Thus, it is a reasonable thing to complain about.
137 Yo, they complain, has once again laid them bare.
138 Complain and remain. Praise and be raised. Joyce Meyer 
139 So what do we have to complain about?
140 When opportunity knocks all some people can do is complain about the noise. Bill Maher 
141 It has put together a machine with little to complain about.
142 Minority voices on both sides will complain and accuse their governments of selling out.
143 Villagers in Bishopton and the surrounding area started to complain because they were annoyed by the irregularity of the service.
144 Patients who often complain of minor ailments might have something more important on their minds.
145 Match anglers often complain about bad, or should I say thoughtless, pegging.
146 Should any relative complain, the doctor may rely upon the directive as justifying his actions.
147 Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. Dale Carnegie 
148 She may also complain of sore muscles, stomach aches, and other pains.
149 They too complain of pain whose severity bears little or no relationship to the tissue destruction.
150 Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses. Brian Tracy 
151 Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well. Jim Rohn 
152 Those who complain about dear money and strong sterling would doubtless see this as an even worse regime.
153 What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain. Maya Angelou 
154 Farm workers are apt to complain that they now feel like strangers in their own village.
155 Taxi drivers still complain a bit, as they do, but parking facilities were made available for the disabled.
156 If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain. Maya Angelou 
157 People that pay for things never complain. It's the guy you give something to that you can't please. Will Rogers 
158 This tends to support the hypothesis that although customers will complain about price increases it does not necessarily alter their visiting behaviour.
159 It would, however, be absurd to complain that Blunden and Mellor chiefly admire skill in a poet.
160 Nobody can tell what I suffer! But it is always so. Those who do not complain are never pitied. Jane Austen 
161 Nor did I complain when he kept me awake, twisting and turning, sighing and moaning.
162 Don't complain about the snow on your neighbour's roof when your own doorstep is unclean. Confucius 
163 The young fellow looked pinto the mirror, trying to find something to complain to the barber about.
164 They even had the audacity to complain that the course wasn't tough enough.
165 Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them. Bill Maher 
166 I could make the huge, heavy body bag creak on its chains and complain to my blows.
167 Why don't people complain? The answer is that they are frightened of losing their jobs.
168 I cannot complain when you frazzle my brain.
169 Samson and his men complain sometimes, of being exhausted.
170 Why should the Mongol flute complain no willows grow?
171 I by the tide of Humber would complain.
172 Her opponents complain that Lady Ashton is ineffective.
173 Don't complain enemy who is mightiness.
174 They never complain about working extra time to anybody.
175 Some children complain that their parents nag at them.
176 None of you can complain, Peter least of all.
177 Don't complain of being hard up before me!
178 What right had the friendless to complain?
179 I can't understand why folks complain about false teeth.
180 Appear afore - mentioned problems, can superintend a branch to complain to food medicines and chemical reagents.
181 And, some displaced residents complain that this is no time for festivity at all.
182 It would be down - right autistic to write to the newspapers and complain.
183 Those who are weakly or who complain of ill health , oft outlive the more robust.
184 " I can't complain, " answered Wilson unconvincingly. " When are you going to sell me that car? "
185 The President vijing complain to president is waging a campaign to win over Labor organized labor.
186 A conventional root canal procedure was performed and the patient continued to complain of sensitivity.
187 Local health officials then complain can plan the best times vaccinate people.
188 We then complain that the SDK is not complete and API's are undocumented.
189 It's my goddamn right as an American to complain about my government.
190 I want to complain in the strong tern about the delay.
191 Junho used to complain about Jaebeom using the whole closet and whatnot.
192 A place where foreign businesses complain of nontransparent systems, payment demands, nepotism,[] and other questionable practices?
193 This poor kin inconvenience oneself again, be obliged secretly complain of suffering.
194 But reviewers complain this work is too mystierious and esoteric.
195 Agitation: Of the above grievances we not hesitate to complain, and to complain loudly and insistently.
196 Most people complain about hotness in summer, the fat in particular.
197 I'm convinced that people complain as a hobby these days, instead of quilting or bird watching!
198 Appear afore - mentioned problems, can complain to door of Department of Commerce.
199 If you don't go my father will go to Soissons and complain to the general.
200 Refugees also complain that soldiers steal food and personal property from them and demand bribes in exchange for food or shelter.
201 You are really an ungrateful wretch to complain instead of thanking him.
202 To begin with , the ICC was empowered, upon complain,() to investigate and lower rates.
203 In interviews, workers did complain about their Japanese supervisors'remoteness and vastly greater pay packages.
204 Many commentators complain that China's capital - spending spree last year has merely exacerbated its industrial overcapacity.
205 Then the mule said to him glaringly: " Will you complain now about my feed doubling yours? "
206 SPIEGEL: That sounds like a debatable view. Historians will complain.
207 But Pakistani complained Pakistanis complain that civilians are sometimes also killed.
208 Many people complain that computers are taking over their jobs.
209 Preoperative diagnosis should be considered when patients complain of inguinal mass reduction after micturition.
210 She is not allowed to complain or to step out of line.
211 The prosess was laborious, but I had no reason to complain of the way it worked.




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