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单词 Curtail
1 The new law will curtail police powers.
2 We must try to curtail our spending.
3 The president has remained mute about plans to curtail the number of immigrants.
4 I don't want to curtail my daughter's freedom.
5 NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.
6 He did, however, curtail his withering critique.
7 Budget cuts forced schools to curtail after-school programs.
8 Their refusal to curtail spending plans and to increase the burden on poll tax payers is expected.
9 The Government also wants private firms to curtail wage rises, currently running at around six percent.
10 This would curtail the crisis within three weeks and regain Britain's foot and mouth-free status within three months.
11 He must be prepared to curtail this new behaviour before it becomes a habit.
12 Secondary prevention attempts to curtail the spread of the disease and interrupt its course.
13 It also includes other provisions to curtail the influence of money in politics.
14 It would be unfortunate if something occurred to curtail our partnership.
15 Winters are wild enough to curtail many of the outdoor pursuits that attract in the first place.
16 It wants to curtail Parliament's powers over the regions and impose regional assemblies.
17 Democracy recognizes no prescribed path to be followed, because such prescriptiveness would curtail individual freedom.
18 So since 1979 the Conservatives have made a determined effort to curtail local expenditure.
19 It can do this primarily by cutting its own expenditures and by raising taxes so as to curtail private spending.
20 He said he expects continued weaker prices and lower volume as companies curtail production.
21 Under the interests theory, obligations arise in order to protect economic liberty, not curtail it.
22 As a result of the study, health officials are calling on manufacturers and the government to curtail exposures to children.
23 This is so despite falling tax rates in many industrialised countries and bank secrecy legislation designed to curtail their attractions.
24 While no-fault insurance has failed in other states, supporters contend that this is the first initiative to curtail litigation severely.
25 The Kennel Club defend themselves against accusations that they do not do enough to curtail irresponsible breeding.
26 Arkies will never agree to one which doesn't severely curtail our freedoms.
27 With lower incomes, businesses and households will be forced to curtail their investment and consumption spending.
28 Nevertheless, Congress was forced to agree to a constitutional referendum in April which threatened to curtail its powers.
29 Mrs Hardman has grown used to her independence, and I have no wish to curtail her freedom.
30 It is understood that the Government has done nothing to discourage City expectations that it will curtail its gilt-edged buying programme.
1 The new law will curtail police powers.
2 The president has remained mute about plans to curtail the number of immigrants.
31 The government hopes to curtail public spending.
32 In all cases we'll curtail baggage handling.
33 The President had to curtail his visit.
34 The minister had to curtail his visit.
35 Taiwan government curtail public spending for buying weapons.
36 I told Louie that old age would curtail her activities in time.
37 Mr. Cohen's recent jaunt to Beijing was intended to convince the Chinese government that it must decisively curtail its ties to Tehran, or face real economic costs.
38 If the Immigration and Naturalization Service thinks it can largely curtail the nation's terrorism problems by focusing on college students, we all should worry.
39 Children with the defect need to curtail activities because of risk of bleeding from minor trauma.
40 By the same token, reduced military budgets would force the government to curtail its foreign involvement.
41 As species wither,() the marine food chain could be disrupted; human action is needed to curtail further acidification.
42 The electro-hydraulic system will curtail action cycle, improve the quality of pile driving and promote efficiency.
43 Web-based training and learning seems to be a perfect way to reach a huge pool of potential students, as well as curtail the high infrastructure and personnel costs of traditional schooling.
44 Banks would be barred from owning and investing in private equity and hedge funds and would be forced to curtail many of their broker-dealer operations.
45 But the aim of the government and its technocrats is to curtail and destroy those movements.
46 To curtail worsening of environment within the ecosystem function reserves , and make progress in good way.
47 When theAuthor’s Guild tried to getAmazon to curtail its used-book market, the companyrefused to backdown.
48 It is necessary to curtail or alter normally coexisting stimuli.
49 The city also plans to ban smoking in public places and curtail pollution during the event.
50 It threatens to curtail a modest recovery in consumer spending on items like apparel and electronics.
51 He was determined to keep to his plan until circumstances compelled him to curtail it.
52 Investors are focussing on whether the Fed might expand a $300 billion program of Treasury purchases, and signal how it might curtail its easy-money policy as the economy recovers.
53 But they will not curtail either illegal immigration or illicit working as much as supporters claim.
54 Several authors have noted that flower and cone production should curtail wood increment.
55 It is the fall in the pool of real savings that leads to the weakening in the real economy, which in turn causes banks to curtail the expansion of credit out of thin air.
56 Rules also curtail activity in these products, and volume has remained small since last month's debut.
57 The Lebanese army was working hard to repair the road, but the Israeli defense force reportedly warned them that their heavy machinery could be targeted, forcing the army to curtail repair efforts.
58 Again the purpose of this action was to curtail inflation.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 6:51:06