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单词 skin-tight
释义  Related topics: Clothesˌskin-ˈtight adjective  DCCTIGHTskin-tight clothes fit tightly against your body 〔衣服〕紧身的 OPP baggy skin-tight jeans 紧身牛仔裤Examples from the Corpusskin-tight• The thing is it's skin-tight, and my dad thought it was obscene.• She also wears skin-tight red pants.• There the kids dressed in helmets and skin-tight suits to compete in a race measured-and sometimes decided-by hundredths of a second.• Lucy in white silk Dynasty jacket, butterfly turquoise shirt, skin-tight velvet trousers, silver sandals.ˌskin-ˈtight adjectiveChineseSyllable  fit Corpus tightly skin-tight clothes against your body




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