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单词 skein
释义  skein /skeɪn/ noun [countable]  1. DHa long loosely wound piece of thread, wool, or yarn 〔线、毛线或纱的〕一束,一绞2  literary a complicated series of things that are related to each other 〔错综复杂的〕一系列,一连串 SYN web a skein of lies 一连串谎言Examples from the Corpusskein• There was a sadness, formless as a skein, enveloping us.• Priscillian's own teaching was characterised by a marked strain of Nestorian thought, as well as by skeins of Gnostic Manichaeanism.• Goneril slunk into the kitchen and wound her body like a fat skein of wool around my feet.• Phagu clipped the goats and wound the hair into skeins which he would sell for ready cash in town.• A knotted skein of nylon straps was looped round his chest.• The runway had upon it a light skein of mist, and he sailed through it and up into the high air.• But now, the old skein of mutual responsibility was unraveling.• He rose, walked round the table and picked up the skein.Origin skein (1400-1500) Old French escaigneskein nounChinese   Corpus or yarn a of wound piece wool, loosely long thread,




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