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单词 Traffic congestion
1. Parking near the school causes severe traffic congestion.
2. Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an insoluble problem.
3. Traffic congestion fluctuates according to the time of day.
4. The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.
5. The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town.
6. The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry.
7. Traffic congestion during peak commute hours is terrible.
8. Action against traffic congestion in urban areas.
9. Downed power lines resulted in traffic congestion because of intersections without traffic lights.
10. Sure,[sentence dictionary] some motorists still gripe about traffic congestion along the 3. 6-mile line from El Cajon to Santee.
11. Increasing traffic congestion is a major influence on town planning.
12. Traffic congestion and pollution have turned Bangkok into an urban nightmare.
13. Solve rush-hour traffic congestion by making people pay to drive in the peak hours: more toll roads and higher fees.
14. We will improve public transport, reduce traffic congestion, and encourage pedestrianisation and cycling schemes.
15. There was traffic congestion when the Milk Race passed through city centre.
16. Parking problems and traffic congestion have prompted one local councillor to describe the International Air Tattoo as a shambles.
17. Hold over BH until 1312 due to traffic congestion at " Rumet " point.
18. Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
19. The government will have to grasp the nettle. If they don't, the traffic congestion is going to get out of control.
20. It's a moot point whether building more roads reduces traffic congestion.
21. New measures have been introduced to try and ease traffic congestion in the city.
22. Voice over Meanwhile the closure has led to severe traffic congestion in the area.
23. Time allowed 00:19 Read in studio Cyclists have brought a city centre to a halt in a protest over traffic congestion.
24. They will also generate 50,000 new vehicle journeys a day, adding to pollution and local traffic congestion.
25. Parking problems: Councillors will try to resolve parking problems in Lingdale High Street which have brought complaints about traffic congestion.
26. The motorway, used by sixty five thousand vehicles a day, has done the job of easing traffic congestion elsewhere.
27. The boroughs also express fears that redevelopment will mean worsening traffic congestion and the loss of homes and jobs.
28. This paper analyzes the traffic problems with Dynamic System method, an atomizes the issue of traffic congestion with cause-and-effect relation chart and system flow chart.
29. An urban traffic incident is prone to cause nonrecurring traffic congestion and secondary incidents, which severely affects traffic operation and traffic safety in the urban road network.
30. EXAMPLE: I needed to be at the airport early, and as I got into a taxi I was worried that I might be in hot water if traffic congestion was worse than normal.
1. Parking near the school causes severe traffic congestion.
2. Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
3. Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an insoluble problem.
31. Traffic congestion, traffic accidents and environmental pollution caused by traffic have already become public nuisances of human beings and environments.
32. Bad weather so many trucks into snow, icy roads even more unable to move the truck so the truck traffic congestion in some areas more than 40 km.
33. Because of the traffic congestion on the main highways, she took a circuitous route.
34. City business hours have to be staggered to relieve traffic congestion.
35. traffic congestion and pollution.
36. Yet an imperfect system can also increase traffic congestion caused by circling for on-street parking.
37. A longrange controllable variable speed limit sign has been designed according to traffic regulations to alleviate traffic congestion problem.
38. Secondly analyses the economic principle of urban road traffic congestion toll,[http://] point out urban road traffic congestion toll is necessary and feasible sometimes.
39. Make an orbit to the right of BH, due to traffic congestion.
40. Do you agree the traffic congestion problem has improved after the "Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax" implementation?




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