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单词 signify
释义 Word family  noun significance ≠ insignificance signification adjective significant ≠ insignificant verb signify adverb significantly ≠ insignificantly  sig·ni·fy /ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ/ ●○○ AWL verb (signified, signifying, signifies) [not in progressive]  1  [transitive]MEANING to represent, mean, or be a sign of something 代表;表示;象征;意味着 Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status. 有些部落使用特殊的面部标记来表示地位。 The image of the lion signified power and strength. 狮子的形象代表权力和力量。signify (that) The symbol used signifies that the frequency is measured in kHz. 使用这一符号表示频率以千赫为单位。2  [transitive] formalSIGN/GESTURE if you signify a feeling, opinion etc, you do something that acts as a sign so that other people know your feeling or opinion 〔用动作〕表示〔感觉、意见等〕 SYN indicatesignify that Hamilton waved his hand to signify that he didn’t mind what they decided. 汉密尔顿摆摆手,表示他们作什么决定他都无所谓。signify something (to somebody) He turned away from her slightly to signify his indifference. 他稍稍背过脸以示对她的冷淡。3  [intransitive]IMPORTANT to be important enough to have an effect on something 要紧,有关系,有重要性 These figures don’t really signify in the overall results. 这些数字对于总体结果影响不是很大。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussignify• Each one signifies an altered gene.• Despite their foreignness, the objects these words signify are coveted and voraciously consumed.• In previous decades this would signify certain defeat for the revolution.• And, of course, it might signify compassion as opposed to stern authority.• Those for Diem were red, which signified good luck, and those for Bao Dai green, the color of misfortune.• A 0 signifies harmless fun; a 5 means gore, smut, rough language or adult themes lurk ahead.• The red star signified his membership in the Communist Party.• Elan means enthusiasm, liveliness and spirit - characteristics which the company believes signify its nature, its employees and its management.• Many people wore red ribbons to signify their support for AIDS awareness.signify (that)• The subject will never reach the wholeness it seeks by deferring its desire through Symbolic signifying chains.• When taken collectively these acts signify a deeper, more threatening tendency.• Secondly, by no means all abnormal changes in mood signify a psychotic disturbance.• He opened his hands to signify an explosion.• Nothing in these commercials signifies geographical or cultural realities.• Retreat, in its view, signified surrender.• "N/A" signifies that the information was not available.• Powder Blue signifies the Extra Care range of products which can be used on all skin types.• He had on the long white cloak which signified to the audience that he was wearing nothing at all.signify that• The simple badge, a musket bordered by a wreath, signifies that an infantry or Special Forces soldier came under fire.• The only visible wheel appears to have twenty-four teeth, which may signify that it rotated daily.• Actually, this signifies that the only rule admitted is that of public opinion.• You might use a cloak, scarf, cardigan which you put on to signify that you're in role.Origin signify (1200-1300) Old French signifier, from Latin significare, from signum; → SIGN1sig·ni·fy verbChineseSyllable   to or represent, a Corpus mean, be




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