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单词 sift
释义  Related topics: Cookingsift /sɪft/ verb [transitive]  1. DFCto put flour, sugar etc through a sieve or similar container in order to remove large pieces 筛〔面粉、白糖等〕2  (also sift through)EXAMINE to examine information, documents etc carefully in order to find something out or decide what is important and what is not 细查,详查,严密检查〔信息、文件等〕 Police are sifting through the evidence. 警方在筛查证据。3 sift something ↔ out phrasal verb SEPARATEto separate something from other things 挑选出,筛选 from It’s hard to sift out the truth from the lies in this case. 这种情况下真相和谎言难以分辨。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussift• Shama meanwhile had begun to sift through a small sheaf of numbered pages.• It will take a while to sift through all these magazines.• To ensure that information would sift through from all corners of the Company, a local spokesperson was elected from each department.• I sift through memory, and this is what I say: She was a princess.• By midday Monday, police were sifting through more than 300 tips.• Having sifted through the estate agents' details, arrange appointments to view as many properties as possible.• She prided herself on her ability to sift through the most innocent conversations and turn them into major scandals.• Police continued to sift through the statements of various witnesses Saturday.• Tim Brown sifted through the trade talk, clearly and succinctly.Origin sift Old English siftansift verbChinese  put etc to a container similar Corpus through sieve or flour, sugar




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