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单词 shut
释义  shut1 /ʃʌt/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tense and past participle shut, present participle shutting)  1  [intransitive, transitive]SHUT/CLOSE to close something, or to become closed (使)关[合]上,(使)关闭 Shut the window, Ellen! 埃伦,把窗关上! I heard his bedroom door shut. 我听到他的卧室门关上了。 She lay down on her bed and shut her eyes. 她在床上躺下,闭上眼睛。shut (something) behind somebody She walked quickly in and shut the door behind her. 她快步走进来,随手关上身后的门。 He shut the drawer and turned the key. 他关上抽屉,转动了钥匙。► see thesaurus at close2. shut your mouth/face/trap!  (also shut your gob!/shut it! British English) spoken not politeTALK TO somebody used to tell someone to stop talking 闭嘴! 住嘴!3  [intransitive, transitive] British EnglishSHUT/CLOSE to stop being open to the public for a short time or permanently (使)〔暂时或永久地〕关门,停止营业 SYN close The post office shuts at 5 o'clock. 邮局五点钟关门。 At midday we shut the shop for lunch. 中午时分,我们关了店门吃午饭。 He lost his job when they shut the factory. 他们把工厂关闭后,他失去了工作。4  shut your eyes/ears to something SHUT/CLOSEto deliberately refuse to notice or pay attention to something 对…视若无睹[置若罔闻,不加理会] We ought not to shut our eyes to these facts. 我们不应该对这些事实视而不见。 She heard the boys shouting to her to stop, but she shut her ears to them. 她听到那些男孩在喊她停下来,但她不理睬他们。5  shut something in the door/drawer etc British English, shut the door/drawer etc on something American EnglishSHUT/CLOSE to shut a door etc against something so that it gets trapped there 把某物夹在门缝里/抽屉缝里等 I shut my finger in the back door yesterday and it still hurts. 昨天我的手指让后门夹了一下,现在还痛。 PHRASAL VERBS6 shut somebody/something ↔ away phrasal verb a) KEEP somebody IN A PLACEto put someone or something in a place away from other people where they cannot be seen 把…关起来,把…藏起来,使…与人隔开 A lot of people are classed as mad and shut away unnecessarily. 许多人被当成疯子,被不必要地关了起来。b) shut yourself awayALONE to deliberately avoid seeing people by staying at home or going to a quiet place, especially because you are very unhappy or want to study, write etc 把自己关起来,一个人躲起来〔尤因很不高兴或想学习、写作等〕 When news came of Robin’s death, she shut herself away and saw no one. 罗宾去世的消息传来后,她一个人躲了起来,什么人都不见。shut yourself away in She shut herself away in her room to work on her novel. 她把自己关在房间里写小说。7 shut down phrasal verb a) STOP HAPPENINGif a company, factory, large machine etc shuts down or is shut down, it stops operating, either permanently or for a short time (使)〔公司、工厂等〕关闭;(使)〔机器〕停止运转 Our local hardware shop has shut down. 我们当地的五金店关门了。shut something ↔ down an accident which resulted in two of the plant’s nuclear reactors being shut down 导致这家发电厂有两个核反应堆被关闭的一次事故 The way to shut the machine down is to type EXIT. 关闭这台机器的方法是键入 EXIT。b) shut somebody ↔ down informalDS to prevent an opposing team or player from playing well or getting points 〔在比赛中〕阻止…正常发挥[得分] We all knew that to win we’d have to shut down Bobby Mitchell. 我们都知道,如果要赢,就得防住博比·米切尔。8 shut somebody in (something) phrasal verb a) if you shut someone in a room, you close the door and stop them from getting out 把…关在房内 Her parents shut her in an upstairs room. 她父母把她关在楼上的一个房间里。 He pushed the dogs into the breakfast room and shut them in. 他把狗赶进早餐室关了起来。b) shut yourself in (something) if you shut yourself in a room, you close the door and stay in there, and often stop other people from coming in 把自己关在房间里,独自一人躲在房间里 Ellie darted back to her room and shut herself in. 埃莉冲回房间,把自己关在里面。 He shut himself in his room and wrote letters. 他把自己关在房间里 写信。9 shut off phrasal verb a) SWITCH ON OR OFFif a machine, tool etc shuts off or if you shut it off, it stops operating (使)〔机器等〕关闭 SYN turn off The iron shuts off automatically if it gets too hot. 这熨斗过热时会自动关闭。shut something ↔ off I let the engine run for a minute and then shut it off. 我把引擎开了一分钟,然后把它关了。 Don’t forget to shut off the water supply. 别忘了关闭供水系统。b) PREVENT shut something ↔ off to prevent goods or supplies from being available or being delivered 切断〔商品或物资〕的供应 a strike that closed the mines and shut off coal supplies 导致矿井关闭、煤炭供应中断的一场罢工c) shut yourself offALONE to avoid meeting and talking to other people 把自己封闭起来shut yourself off from He was cold and remote, shutting himself off from her completely. 他态度冷漠而疏远,和她彻底不来往了。d) be shut off from somebody/somethingSEPARATE to be separated from other people or things, especially so that you are not influenced by them 与某人/某事物隔绝〔尤指因而没有受到其影响〕 The valley is shut off from the modern world. 这个山谷与现代世界完全隔绝。10 shut out phrasal verb a) IGNORE shut somebody out to deliberately not let someone join you in an activity or share your thoughts and feelings 把某人排斥在外 How can I help you if you just keep shutting me out all the time? 你一直排斥我,叫我怎么帮你?shut somebody out from I felt I was being shut out from all the family’s affairs. 我感觉家里所有的事我都插不上手。b) ENTER# shut somebody/something ↔ out to prevent someone or something from entering a place 不让…进入,挡住 heavy curtains that shut out the sunlight 遮挡阳光的厚窗帘shut somebody/something ↔ out from The door closed firmly, shutting me out from the warmth inside. 门紧紧地关着,不让我享受屋里的温暖。c) IGNORE shut something ↔ out to stop yourself from thinking about or noticing something, so that you are not affected by it 不去想〔某事〕,排除…的干扰,使自己不受…影响 People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of gunfire. 夜里人们关上窗户,却依然挡不住那隆隆的枪炮声。 She shut out memories of James. 她不让自己回忆起詹姆斯。 Jenny closed her eyes and tried to shut everything out. 珍妮闭上眼睛,试图排除一切干扰。d) shut out somebody American EnglishDS to defeat an opposing sports team and prevent them from getting any points 〔在比赛中〕战胜〔对方〕使其一分未得,零封 Colorado shut out Kansas City 3–0. 科罗拉多队以 3 比 0 完胜堪萨斯城队。11 shut up phrasal verb a) shut up! spoken not politeTALK TO somebody used to tell someone to stop talking 闭嘴! 住嘴! 别说了! SYN be quiet! Oh, shut up! I don’t want to hear your excuses. 噢,闭嘴! 我不想听你的借口。 Just shut up and listen. 闭上嘴好好听。shut up! about Shut up about your stupid dog, okay! 别再说你那条笨狗了,行不行!b) shut (somebody) upTALK TO somebodyQUIET informal to stop talking or be quiet, or to make someone do this (使某人)停止讲话 I can’t stand that woman. She never shuts up. 我实在受不了那女人,她老是说个没完。shut (somebody) up about I wish you’d shut up about Chris. 我希望你别再提克里斯了。 I only said that to shut her up. 我说那句话只是想要她闭嘴。c) KEEP somebody IN A PLACE shut somebody up to keep someone in a place away from other people, and prevent them from leaving 把某人关起来shut somebody up in I’ve had a terrible cold and been shut up in my room for a week. 我患了重感冒,在房间里关了一个星期。 Was there any need to keep us shut up here? 有必要把我们关在这里吗?d) SHUT/CLOSE shut something ↔ up to close a shop, room etc so that people cannot get into it 关闭〔商店、房间等〕 Bernadette cleaned the attic and then shut it up for another year. 贝尔纳黛特把阁楼打扫干净,然后又把它封闭了一年。e) shut up shop British English informalSHUT/CLOSE to close a business or stop working, at the end of the day or permanently 打烊;停业→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusshut• This time the car stopped and a door banged shut.• Did you hear the back door shut?• Then I clamped my mouth shut again.• I remember this and smile, clamping my mouth shut as Wiggen goes into action.• With a small exclamation she snapped the book shut, but before she could get to her feet Marc glanced up.• Hundreds of miners ringed the Port of Mobile and shut down the whole port.• She lay down on the bed and shut her eyes.• But on game day, security shut that down.• He shut the door behind him as quietly as possible.• Come in and shut the door behind you.• Someone had shut the gate to stop the sheep getting out onto the road.• You'd better shut the window.• She heard Charlotte downstairs shutting the windows, and locking up for the night.• Shut up, shut up, shut up.shut ... eyes• She waited, shutting her eyes and shivering as the light waned.shut2 ●●● S3 adjective [not before noun]  1  SHUT/CLOSEnot open 关闭的,关上的 SYN closed Is the door shut properly? 门关好了吗? She kept the windows shut, for fear of burglars. 她把窗户关着,怕有窃贼进来。 He sat with his eyes shut. 他闭着眼睛坐着。 The windows were tightly shut. 窗户紧闭。slam/bang/swing etc shut The door slammed shut behind him. 门在他身后砰的一声关上了。pull/kick/slam etc something shut Jenny pulled the window shut. 珍妮把窗户拉上。 → keep your mouth shut at mouth1(2)2  British EnglishSHUT/CLOSE if a shop, bar etc is shut, it is not open for business 〔商店、酒吧等〕停止营业的,关门的 SYN closed in the evening when the shops are shut 晚上商店关门时 Sorry, but we’re shut. 抱歉,我们已经关门了。shut for The first four hotels we tried were shut for the winter. 我们找的头四家宾馆都不在冬天营业。n COLLOCATIONSadverbstightly/tight shutHe went on sobbing, his eyes tight shut.firmly shutThe door remained firmly shut.verbssomething slams/bangs shutThe front door slammed shut.something swings shutThe gate swung shut behind her.pull/kick/slam something shutHe pulled the trapdoor shut over his head.keep something shutWhen it’s so hot, we keep the doors and windows shut and put on the air conditioner.screw/squeeze your eyes shut (=shut your eyes tight)Examples from the Corpusshut• He sat with his eyes tightly shut.• I heard a car pull up in front of the apartment and heard the door slam shut.• The door slammed shut and he bolted it.• Then the door slammed shut and next moment she was asleep.• The doors slammed shut and the grey van drove off towards the exit, rejoining the northward rush of motorway traffic.• She was snapped out of her reverie as the door clicked shut and the secretary left them alone again.• Cameron was staring at the shut door.• Her eyes kept flickering shut, though, and they finally stayed closed as she gently snoozed.• She gives this a silken hinge and attaches gravel to its underside so that it will fall shut under its own weight.door shut• He tossed the tripod in after it and banged the doors shut.• I said, slamming the door shut.• She slammed a mental door shut on the harrowing thought.• He spent all his time in his office with the door shut, pushing paper.• Dragging the door shut, she made her way towards the stairs.• He kicked the door shut, then reached past her and took a glass from the cup board.• Even the doors shut with a private hissing sound.From Longman Business Dictionaryshutshut /ʃʌt/ verb (past tense and past participle shut, present participle shutting) [intransitive, transitive]1 (also shut down)COMMERCE if a company, factory etc shuts or is shut, it stops operating permanentlySYN CLOSE DOWNThe steel company plans to shut two of its factories.The airline shut down at midnight on Friday.Regulators were threatening to shut the bank down.2COMMERCEif a shop or business shuts or is shut, it stops operating at the end of the working day or for the weekend etcSYN CLOSEWe shut at 5.30.Do you shut the shop for lunch? → shut →down→ See Verb tableOrigin shut1 Old English scyttanshut1 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1shut2 adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  or Business to closed become something, close Corpus to




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