随便看 |
- out of phase
- out of phase with
- out of phase (with something)
- out of phase with something
- out of phase with sth
- out of place
- out of play
- out of plumb
- out of pocket
- out-of-pocket expenses
- out-of-pocket-expenses
- out of pocket expenses
- out of proportion
- out of sight
- out of sight, out of mind
- out of sorts
- out-of-state
- out of state
- out of step
- out of sync
- out of sync with
- out of sync with sb
- out of sync with somebody
- out of sync with something
- out of sync (with something/somebody)
- So long as
- Smile on
- Smell of
- Slide into
- Sit on
- Show in
- Settle for
- Set fire to
- Serve as
- Seeing that
- 古之为政者,身任其劳,而贻百姓以安;今之为政者,身享其安,而贻百姓以劳
- 古之为治者,其法虽详,然不越乎养与教而已
- 古之交也为求贤,今之交也为名利而已矣
- 古之人以德服,今之人以威服
- 古之人修身以避名,今之人饰己以要誉
- 古之人勤励,今之人惰慢。勤励故精明而德日修,惰慢故昏蔽而欲日肆,是以圣人贵“忧勤惕励”。
- 古之人所以大过人者,无他焉,善推其所为而已矣
- 古之人非曰位居贵要,分为尊长,而遂无可言之人、无可指之过也;非曰卑幼贫贱之人一无所知识,即有知识而亦不当言也。盖体统名分,确然不可易者,在道义之外;以道相成,以心相与,在体统名分之外。哀哉!后世之贵要尊长而遂无过也。
- 古之从仕者养人,今之从仕者养己
- 古之仕也以行其道,今之仕也以逞其欲
- 古之仕者为人,今之仕者为己
- 古之俭也,性;今之俭也,名
- 古之取士,皆本于学校,故道德一于上,而习俗成于下。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 古之取天下也,以民心;今之取天下也,以民命
- 古之君子不以其所能者病人,今人却以其所不能者病人。
- Proslavery句子
- Noise-induced句子
- Enthymeme句子
- Gynogenesis句子
- Polyphenol句子
- Dextrocardia句子
- Renewable sources of energy句子
- Polyarteritis句子
- Black-and-blue句子
- Irrigation ditch句子
- Synaptic句子
- Purchase department句子
- Producer goods句子
- Quantity of output句子
- Medicalization句子