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单词 Volume of trade
1. The volume of trade has receded.
2. It was agreed to supervise the volume of trade between the newly independent countries by means of monthly meetings between Finance Ministry representatives.
3. The volume of trade between the two regions continues to grow.
4. The volume of trade is increasing.
5. Even if the overall reduction volume of trade, on - line e - commerce to occupy the share will increase.
6. It increases volume of trade in goods that are not quite identical.
7. The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries.
8. What is your estimation of the volume of trade we can achieve in a joint venture?
9. With no Doha deal to impose discipline, the volume of trade - distorting subsidies could surge.
10. If you engage in the trade. what's volume of trade in one year?
11. I hope the volume of trade between us will be even greater in the future.
12. Our actual volume of trade each year is much bigger than that of the previous year.
13. The volume of trade between the two countries has been increasing each year.
14. Along with the growing volume of trade, bilateral trade imbalance has become more prominent.
15. To our surprise, the volume of trade between us has been decreasing.
16. The large volume of trade should entitle us to special accommodation.
17. By 1958 much trade discrimination had been eliminated, and both production and the volume of trade had greatly expanded.
18. The first is to develop an understanding of the determinants of the volume of trade.
19. After 1998, there was a rapid fall in the volume of trade.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. So the insufficiency of gold reserves resulted from higher volume of trade, not higher prices.
21. With such an "embargo" in place, what conceptually would happen to Iraq's term of trade and volume of trade?
22. Because our honey lacks of price elasticity of demand for importing countries, raising the honey export price helps to increase honey volume of trade.




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