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单词 should
释义  should /ʃəd; strong ʃʊd/ ●●● S1 W1 modal verb (negative short form shouldn’t)  1  right thing 正确的事 a) SHOULD/OUGHT TOused to say what is the right or sensible thing to do 应当,应该〔用于表示做某事是正确或明智的〕 He shouldn’t be so selfish. 他不该这么自私。 Children shouldn’t be allowed to play in the street. 不应该让儿童在街上玩。 ‘I don’t care what people think.’ ‘Well, you should.’ “我不在乎别人怎么想。”“噢,你还是应该在乎的。” Why shouldn’t I smoke if I want to? 如果我想抽烟,为什么不可以抽? b) used to say what would have been right or sensible, but was not done 应当,应该〔用于表示某事应该做却没有做〕 They should have called the police. 他们应该报警的。2  advice 建议 used to give or ask for advice 应当,应该 〔用于提供或征求建议〕 What should I do? 我该怎么办? Should I trust him? 我应该相信他吗? You should read his new book. 你应该读一读他的新书。 I should stay in bed if I were you. 我要是你,就卧床休息。3  expected thing 预期的事 a) PROBABLYused to say that you expect something to happen or be true 应,应该〔用于表示推测〕 It should be a nice day tomorrow. 明天应该是个好天气。 Try phoning Robert – he should be home by now. 给罗伯特打个电话试试,他现在应该到家了。 Australia should win this match. 澳大利亚队应该能够打赢这场比赛。 ‘Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.’ ‘Well, you should know – you married one.’ “搞艺术的人有时很难相处。” “这个你应该知道的——你就嫁了一个这样的人。” b) used to say what was expected, but did not happen 本应该 It was an easy test and he should have passed, but he didn’t. 这次测验很容易,他应该可以通过的,但却没有。4  correct thing 正确的事物 used to say what is the correct amount, the correct way of doing something etc 应该,应当〔用于表示正确的数量、做某事的正确方法等〕 Every sentence should start with a capital letter. 每个句子都应该以大写字母开头。 What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There should be twelve. 你是什么意思,只有十张票? 应该有十二张才对。 White wine, not red, should be served with fish. 吃鱼应该喝白葡萄酒,而不是红葡 萄酒。5  orders 命令 formal used in official orders and instructions 应该,应当〔用于官方指示〕 Passengers should proceed to Gate 12. 乘客请前往 12 号登机口登机。6  after 'that' 用在 that 之后XX British English used in a clause beginning with ‘that’ after particular adjectives and verbs 〔用于 that 引导的从句中,跟在某些形容词和动词之后〕 It’s strange that you should say that. 你这么说很奇怪。 It is essential that he should have a fair trial. 给他一个公正的审判,这一点非常重要。 The residents demanded that there should be an official inquiry. 居民要求进行官方调查。7  possibility 可能性IF used to talk about something that may possibly happen or be true 可能〔用于表示某事可能会发生或属实〕 Naturally, he was nervous in case anything should go wrong. 他当然担心,怕事情会出岔子。 What if I should fall sick and not be able to work? 万一我生病无法工作的话怎么办?should somebody/something do something Should you need any help (=if you need any help), you can always phone me at the office. 如果你需要什么帮助,随时可以打我办公室的电话。8  imagined situations 假设的情况 especially British English formalXX used after ‘I’ or ‘we’ to say what you would do if something happened or was true 〔置于 I 或 we 之后,表示如果某事发生或属实的话会做什么〕 If anyone treated me like that, I should complain to the manager. 如果有人这样对我,我就会向经理投诉。 I should be surprised if many people voted for him. 有许多人投他的票那才怪呢。9  requesting/offering 请求/提供 especially British English formalWANT used to politely ask for something, offer to do something, or say that you want to do something 〔用于礼貌地表示想要某物,或想要做某事〕 I should be grateful if you could provide me with some information. 如果你能为我提供一些消息,我不胜感激。 ‘What can I get you?’ ‘I should like a long cool drink.’ “你要点什么?”“我想来一大杯清凉饮料。” We should be delighted to help in any way we can. 我们乐意尽我们所能提供帮助。 I should like to thank you all for coming here tonight. 感谢大家今天晚上来到这里。10  past intentions/expectations 过去的打算/期望WILL used as the past tense of ‘shall’ after ‘I’ or ‘we’ to say what you intended or expected to do 〔用作 shall 的过去式,置于I或we之后,表示打算或期望做的事〕 We knew that we should be leaving the next day. 我们知道我们第二天就要走。11  what should I see but something/who should appear but somebody etc SURPRISEDused to show that you were surprised when you saw a particular thing, when a particular person appeared etc 你猜我看到了什么/你猜谁来了等〔用于表示惊讶〕 Just at that moment, who should walk in but old Jim himself. 就在那时,你猜猜谁进来了? 就是那个老吉姆本人。12  you should have seen/heard something  spoken used to emphasize how funny, strange, beautiful etc something was that you saw or heard 你该亲眼看看/听听某事物〔用于强调所看到或听到的多么有趣、奇怪、漂亮等〕 You should have seen the look on her face when I told her I’d won first prize. 我告诉她我得了一等奖,当时她脸上的那副表情你真该看看。13  how/why should ... ? used to express surprise that something has happened or that someone has asked you a particular question 怎么会/为什么会…?〔用于表示惊讶〕 Why should anyone want to marry Tony? 怎么竟然会有人意嫁给托尼? Don’t ask me. How should I know? 别问我,我怎么会知道?14  I should think/imagine/hope EXPECT spoken a) used to say that you think or hope something is true, when you are not certain 我认为/估计/希望〔用于表示认为或希望某事属实,但不太肯定〕 I shouldn’t think they’ve gone far. 我想他们应该不会走远。 ‘I suppose there’ll be a lot of complaints?’ ‘I should imagine so.’ “我看会有很多投诉吧?”“我想是的。” b) used to emphasize that you are not surprised by what someone has told you because you have moral reasons to expect it 我想应该如此〔用于强调对别人告知的事情不感到意外,因为出于道德上的原因你预计如此〕 ‘She doesn’t like to hear me swearing.’ ‘I should think not.’ “她不喜欢听到我说粗话。”“我想这是当然的。” ‘He did apologize.’ ‘I should hope so, after the way he behaved.’ “他是道了歉。”“他那样的行为,理应道歉。”Examples from the Corpusshould• Children shouldn't take candy from strangers.• Annual revenues should be about $ 600 million.• There are doubts now as to whether these should be continued.• They should be here by 8:00.• The city should clean the streets more often.• You should have called me right away.• Slowly a knot of men formed around us, anxious that we should hear their problems.• What should I do?• Last year the taxman pocketed 550 million from people who should not have been paying tax - or who paid too much.• Once the glue is dry you should place the photograph in the correct position, securing it with masking tape.• Counselors should request that each teacher of academic subjects provide a list of students who often fail to complete assignments independently.• Why should spirits aid living beings?should somebody/something do something• Annual revenues should be about $ 600 million.• Counselors should request that each teacher of academic subjects provide a list of students who often fail to complete assignments independently.• Last year the taxman pocketed 550 million from people who should not have been paying tax - or who paid too much.• Once the glue is dry you should place the photograph in the correct position, securing it with masking tape.• Slowly a knot of men formed around us, anxious that we should hear their problems.• There are doubts now as to whether these should be continued.• Vets should be on Treasure Island.• Why should spirits aid living beings?Origin should Old English sceolde “owed, had to”should modal verbChinese  thing used the Corpus or what sensible to right is to say




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