随便看 |
- the-grand-ole-opry
- the grand tour
- the grand union canal
- the-grand-union-canal
- the grapes of wrath
- the-grapes-of-wrath
- the grass
- the grass is greener
- the grass is greener (on the other side)
- the grass is greener on the other side
- the grass roots
- the grave
- the gravy train
- the greasy pole
- the great and the good
- the great apes
- the great barrier reef
- the-great-barrier-reef
- the great bear
- the-great-bear
- the great crash
- the-great-crash
- the great depression
- the-great-depression
- the (Great) Depression
- Pinion
- Pinhole
- Grew
- Ping-pong
- Ping
- Piny
- Chairwoman
- Gust
- Squish
- Hatch
- 言语不到千该万该,再休开口。
- 言语与静默
- 言语中有分寸,礼貌中显尊重
- 言语之恶,莫大于造诬;行事之恶,莫大于苛刻;心术之恶,莫大于深险。
- 言语以不肖而多。若皆上智人,更不须一语。
- 言语包容忍让,不生冲突
- 言语尽量不触及别人的敏感之处
- 言语引诗
- 言语无味·面目可憎是什么意思
- 言语用情,使对方无法抗拒
- 言语者,圣人之糟粕也。圣人不可言之妙,非言语所能形容。汉宋以来解经诸儒,泥文拘字,破碎牵合,失圣人天然自得之趣,晦天下本然自在之道,不近人情,不合物理,使后世学者无所适从。且其负一世之高名,系千古之重望,遂成百世不刊之典。后学者岂无千虑一得,发前圣之心传而救先儒之小失?然一下笔开喙,腐儒俗士不辨是非,噬指而惊,掩口而笑,且曰:“兹先哲之明训也,安得妄议?”噫!此诚信而好古之义也。泥传离经,勉从强信
- 言谈中要杜绝不良动机
- 言轻则招忧,行轻则招辜,貌轻则招辱,好轻则招淫。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 言过其实·云苫雾罩是什么意思
- 言过其实的意思,言过其实造句
- Clench句子
- Misanthropic句子
- Cognize句子
- Vivacity句子
- Gauntlet句子
- Tidewater句子
- Whiten句子
- Slacken句子
- Supervise句子
- Controlling account句子
- Pipeline句子
- Wash句子
- Wanted句子
- Twister句子
- Aquiline句子